A Roof Callsign System For Fivem Available For Both QBCore and ESX in a Single Resource You can Create unlimited Tables with Any Jobs you want The Only Catch is the Car Must have the Roof Livery Feature / Callsign System in order to this Work , High in Class made With Love I Present You this Script
Preview - https://youtu.be/vKsv1lrZA2o
Buy Here - https://moon-scriptsstore.tebex.io/package/5589232
| Code is accessible No
| Subscription-based No
| Lines (approximately) 61 |
| Requirements ox_lib / qb-target or ox_target
| Support Yes
Config Preview -
Config = {}
Config.Debug = false
Config.FrameWork = 'QBCore' -- QBCore / ESX
Config.TargetScript = 'qb-target' -- qb-target / ox_target
Config.Price = 1500
Config.Locations = {
[1] = {
propcoords = vector4(376.45, -1631.2, 29.29, 230.00),
carcoords = vector4(378.84, -1628.22, 28.7, 141.1),
job = 'police', --- Job which can acces it
benchid = 1,
Ped1 = vector4(380.71, -1629.1, 29.29, 62.62),
Ped2 = vector4(377.99, -1627.21, 29.29, 229.04),
Time = 1500, --- ProgressbAr timer
TakeMoney = true --- Should Player Be Charged ?? if yes then Set Your Price Above in Config.Price .. How Mu ?
Config.TargetDistance = 3.0 --- From how much far a player can interact with the Bench