RMT is legal?

Hello dear FiveM players,

We have a server and there are players shopping with Real Money Trade. They sell items/money and similar items in the game and earn money. We do not impose any sanctions. Will this cause us problems? So will we get a sanction based on CFX?

We do not intend to provide enforcement for such RMT transactions.

DISCLAIMER: The following is my personal interpretation of the subject; I am not affiliated with CFX or Rockstar, nor do I have any formal legal education (in case that matters somehow).

From what I read in the TOS, “commercial exploitation” (4.4 of the current TOS) only prohibits getting revenue as the direct result of what happens on the server; it does not seem to prohibit player-to-player trading for in-game items for real currency that is not endorsed or benefited from by the server or its staff. With that being said, that could definitely be super questionable, so my advice would be to stop such behavior and issue a playerbase-wide warning that such trading is not permitted - you’ll be safer and better off that way.