RicX Uniform Creator - RedEM:RP+Reboot/RSG/QBR/QR/VORP

RedM Script - RicX Uniform Creator - RedEM:RP Reboot/RSG/QBR/QR/VORP Script

RedM Script to create unlimited Uniforms from NPC Models and allow players to wear these created Uniforms/Outfits/Dresses. Use the /uniform command to open the Main Menu (Create, Edit, Buy or Use Uniforms). At Creating Uniforms, simply add the Model and Preset ID to get the Components Data and add the Data easily to the New Uniform.

Create Uniforms

Players with Permission can create new Uniforms for the server users. Adding the Model and Preset ID of a NPC creates the Components, these can be added to the new Uniform. After adding it to the Uniform Components, it can be Removed or the Color can be changed. Changing a Component in the same Category can be done easily as well, for example Hats can be changed if a new, better one found from other NPC. At Save a Name and Price must be added, and once saved, the Outfit can be purchased by other users.

Edit Uniforms

Players with Permission can edit existing Uniforms easily. After opening the Uniform for edit, it can be changed the same way as a New one is created. Change the Components and Colors then save it to update the data, and after using the Outfit again, it will have the new, edited look.

Buy Uniforms

Players can buy Uniforms if there are created ones. First click on Uniform will create a Preview, second click will purchase it for the player. Purchased Uniforms can be found in Use Uniforms menu.

Use Uniforms

Players can use their purchased Uniforms and wear them anytime. Easy to change the current Uniform.

Create Uniforms In Game
Edit, Buy and Wear Uniforms easily


How to Install

  1. Make sure the server is connected to the keymaster account which has the package access
  2. Put ricx_uniform_creator into server-data/resources/
  3. In server.cfg add “ensure ricx_uniform_creator” after dependency scripts
  4. Import the SQL to database
  5. Change the framework related Cloth reset in events.lua if different than the default!
  6. Restart server

Locked Files
server.lua and client.lua are locked in the resource BY CFX ESCROW
fw_func.lua, events.lua and config.lua are opened

Tebex: RicX RedM Scripts | Uniform Creator (tebex.io)

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) client.lua+server.lua: ~1200
Requirements RedEM:RP/QBR/QR/RSG/VORP
Support Yes