Rick_Form [ Free ]

ezgif.com-gif-maker (1)


:heart: DOWNLOAD

** Features**
Send information from form to an discord channel

:trident: Rick New Diamond Casino Heist
:trident: Rick Rental
:trident: Rick Drugs

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 400+
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

Kinda lacking any sort of description…

Also is it paid or free :joy: can’t be both tags brother

this is awesome man! a while back i did my own weapons app resource that works similarly doesnt look as clean and it was also strictly for weapons licenses so ill definitely be using this one too thanks !

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:sweat_smile: never saw that I tag it as paid

Awsome script man Rick ! Thank you !

Remember to change the discord webhook in order to retrieve the data from the form.

Hm looks fairly cool but you shouldve put a bit more time into the forum post