Rhode Island RP |Looking for Devs & Staff

Status: Under Development

Hello all, I’d like to welcome you to my post. I’m not going to post my server IP as of now because it is not ready to be played on but I am looking for 1 developer and a few active staff members. I’m on a schedule and want to get the server on a releasable beta by 28 days. As of now this server doesn’t have much to offer but I do have plans on how to make it a one of a kind and fun place for all to come and play.

What I’m looking for in a developer:
-Knowledge of Lua Scripts
-Basic Knowledge of Servers
-Knowledge of how to install add-ons/cars/props/etc
-Knowledge of fixing bugs

What I’m looking for in game staff:
-Active, like very active
-No abuse of power
-Must have a personality
-Keep our server bully and grief free

If you’re interested in any of the above positions please leave your discord and I’ll send you a message as soon as possible.

This post will be updated on a need to be basis.
I will cover all server costs out of my own pocket.

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QSX1 MODS#9210 i can be a dev for u

Cannot find your username, please message me with the correct one

that is the right one

i am a very active member and a great candidate for staff . my discord is

i am a active staff candidate. my discord is Craig#1673