RH-DrugSystem [QBCore/ESX/vRP]

RH-DrugSystem By RH Store available in [QBCore/ESX/vRP]



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This is a DrugSystem script with a elegant and user-friendly NUI.
It is fully build as a NUI system and therefor not “realistic”

[How it works]

Configure the config file to your liking
Harvest, and processing locations can be added in the config
Everything is customizable from the text to the color to the animations
Go to one of the locations specified in the config and enjoy this NUI based DrugSystem!


This script is fully optimized.

  • Idle: 0.00ms;
  • Marker: 0.03ms;
  • UI Open: 0.00ms;

[FiveM Asset Escrow System]

This script is using the Asset Escrow system.


Config = {}

Config.TextSystem = "okok" -- okok = okokTextUI -- qbcore = QBCores DrawText (recommended) -- draw3d = Draw3DText
Config.TextSystemSide = "right" -- right = right side -- left = left side
Config.NotifySpam = true -- Alerts the player when spamming
Config.HarvestingAnim = 'world_human_gardener_plant' -- nil = disable
Config.ProcessingAnim = 'PROP_HUMAN_PARKING_METER' -- nil = disable
Config.Radius = 10 -- This takes from Config.CircleZones and if you are within x radius you are under example CokeField and that data counts -- If trouble try lowering this
Config.Locale = "en" -- Change this and add file in folder "locales"

Config.DeniedJobs = {

Config.Blip = {}
Config.Blip.Active = true
Config.Blip.Locations = {
    -- Select blip from (https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/)
    -- Select blip color from (https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/)

    {title="Coca Leaf Farm", colour=45, id=514, radius=20.0, x = 501.45, y = 6466.46, z = 30.86 },
    {title="Cocaine Processing", colour=45,  id=514, radius=20.0, x = 909.47, y = -1589.15, z = 30.51 },
    {title="Weed Leaf Farm", colour=69, id=496, radius=20.0, x = 2217.56, y = 5577.38, z = 53.85},
    {title="Cocaine Processing", colour=69, id=496, radius=20.0, x = -125.96, y = 1896.58, z = 198.33},
    {title="Roll Joints", colour=69, id=496, radius=20.0, x = 2329.74, y = 2572.12, z = 46.68},
Config.Marker = {}
Config.Marker.Type = 21
Config.Marker.Data = {
    Size = {
        X = 0.4, -- X Scale
        Y = 0.4, -- Y Scale
        Z = 0.4, -- Z Scale
    Color = {
        R = 255, -- Red
        G = 0, -- Green
        B = 0, -- Blue
        A = 50, -- Transperancy 100 = 100% visible 50% means 50% visible

Config.CircleZones = {
    CokeField = {
        Harvest = true,
        Locations = {x=501.35, y=6466.67, z=30.75},
        HarvestingAmountMIN = 1, -- 1 = one cocaine_leaf 3 = 3 cocaine_leaf
        HarvestingAmountMAX = 2, -- 1 = one cocaine_leaf 3 = 3 cocaine_leaf
        Reward = "coca_leaf", -- Item you get

        UIColor = '#f40103',
        UILogo = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799388769392001095/984477707981180959/Untitled-1.png',
        UITitle = 'Coca Leaf',
        UIDesc = "Pick them leaf up form the ground! They ain't got no business there",
        UIButton = 'Harvest Coca Leaf',
        UIBColor = '#8b0000',
        UIPLogo = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799388769392001095/984468868573573200/clipart2062376.png',
        UITime = 1.5, -- How many seconds it takes
    CokeProcessing = {
        Harvest = false,
        Locations = {x=1089.8810, y=-3194.7690, z=-38.9934},
        Ingredients = { -- Ingredients needed to process weed
            ["coca_leaf"] = 2,
        Reward = { -- How much weed you get from ingredients
            ["cocaine"] = 1,

        UIColor = '#f40103',
        UILogo = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799388769392001095/984478107266322522/Untitled-1.png',
        UITitle = 'Cocaine',
        UIDesc = "Leafs ain't worth shit. Make that shit usefull",
        UIButton = 'Produce Cocaine',
        UIBColor = '#8b0000',
        UIPLogo = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799388769392001095/984468514406547485/NicePng_cocaine-png_294261.png',
        UITime = 1.5, -- How many seconds it takes

    WeedField = {
        Harvest = true,
        Locations = {x=2217.56, y=5577.38, z=53.85},
        HarvestingAmountMIN = 1, -- 1 = one weed_leaf 3 = 3 weed_leaf
        HarvestingAmountMAX = 2, -- 1 = one weed_leaf 3 = 3 weed_leaf
        Reward = "weed_leaf",

        UIColor = '#02953a',
        UILogo = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799388769392001095/984475901192454246/Untitled-1.png',
        UITitle = 'Weed Leaf',
        UIDesc = "Pick them leaf up form the ground! They ain't got no business there",
        UIButton = 'Harvest Weed Leaf',
        UIBColor = '#006400',
        UIPLogo = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/807432561102028800/984467643971026974/unknown.png',
        UITime = 1.5, -- How many seconds it takes
    WeedProcessing = {
        Harvest = false,
        Locations = {
            x=1039.25, y=-3205.64, z=-38.17,
        Ingredients = { -- Ingredients needed to process weed
            ["weed_leaf"] = 2,
        Reward = { -- How much weed you get from ingredients
            ["weed"] = 1,

        UIColor = '#02953a',
        UILogo = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799388769392001095/984476904499331123/Untitled-1.png',
        UITitle = 'Weed',
        UIDesc = "Tired of having leafs? Make 'em useful! <br> 2 leaf for 1 g",
        UIButton = 'Produce Weed',
        UIBColor = '#006400',
        UIPLogo = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799388769392001095/984469137369755668/kindpng_1070085.png',
        UITime = 1.5, -- How many seconds it takes
    WeedToJoints = {
        Harvest = false,
        Coords = vector3(2329.74, 2572.12, 46.68),
        Locations = {x=2329.81, y=2572.33, z=46.68},
        Ingredients = { -- Ingredients needed to roll joint
            ["rolling_paper"] = 2,
            ["weed"] = 1,
        Reward = { -- How manby joints you get by rolling "WeedNeededToJoint" amount weed
            ["joint"] = 2,

        UIColor = '#02953a',
        UILogo = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/807432561102028800/984474802913939466/Untitled-1.png',
        UITitle = 'Joint',
        UIDesc = 'Just weed? Rly? Roll it up, and smoke it up <br> 2 jointpaper + 1 gram for 2 joints',
        UIButton = 'Roll Joints',
        UIBColor = '#006400',
        UIPLogo = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/807432561102028800/984471261759561799/Til_hopto.png',
        UITime = 1.5, -- How many seconds it takes

local QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()
function NotifyMessage(message, ntype, retval, source)
    if retval then
        --TriggerClientEvent('okokNotify:Alert', source, 'DrugSystem', message, 5000, ntype)
        TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', source, message, ntype)
        --exports['okokNotify']:Alert("DrugSystem", message, 5000, ntype)
        QBCore.Functions.Notify(message, ntype)

Other Scripts By Me

RH-MoneyWash [ESX][QBCore][vRP]
RH-Garage [QBCore]

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 800+
Requirements Framework
Support Yes