REVIVE & RESPAWN Script (QBCore, ESX, Standalone)

{!} Custom Revive Script I have been working on kind of based on OCRP’s Revive Script. There is 2 versions within the Download/GitHub link, 1 contains a ragdoll script in it and 1 does not. The ragdoll version comes with another feature that allows you to “Revive on Ground”. Both versions do have a UI/HUD & ways to either revive or respawn at a hospital.

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| Code is accessible | Yes |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | 500+ |
| Requirements | Standalone |

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how to replace default

what you trying to replace?

Hi, how to run it with ESX?
This script have only QB references…

it doesn’t work for standalone, could you fix pls