Reticle/Crosshair to FiveM vRP

Hello all, I would like to know where and what I put enable crosshair on server vRP, since I have already searched and I am not finding, please help.

Thank you


If you are trying to cheat or exploit by using a false mod to return your crosshair on a rp server because they disabled it… I can’t help you… Even tho its Christmas

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No, that’s not what I want, but I know where I can activate crosshair on the server I’m setting up.

Thank you

Crosshairs are enabled by default. A resource must be disabling it if you can’t see it.

HideHudComponentThisFrame id 14


Hello, can you help me, I am not finding I disabled it and I am not able to activate it again on my server vRP


I am helping you by giving you hints where to find it.

If vRP has disabled it I would advise you to read vRP documentation and/or ask in a vRP discord, for example for Dunko’s pack which can be found on the repository.

Unfortunately I can’t see your files. I also advise you to read through the source code of vRP as you should understand as much as possible how it works to be able to solve future issues by yourself

Which resources disable crosshair?

You will have to figure it out which of your resource does that

