With my other MPs i run a simple bash to restart them after a crash on my Debian 9 VPS, like so…
while true; do
Despite this method working on a half dozen other MPs. I’ve been unable to reproduce this for FXServer due to the complex nature of its start up and my general lack of linux skills. Can someone convert the above to do as it does for my MTA server, restart FXServer after it crashes.
My /home/_fvm000/fx-server/run.sh is stock
which i usually start with
cd /home && cd server && cd fx-server-data
bash /home/server/fx-server/run.sh +exec server.cfg
I use to use this for cfxserver but should work fine for FXserver given that you have a way of killing or stopping the server when you want.
echo Starting 5M Server
./run.sh +exec server.cfg
echo 5M server has stopped.
echo restarting 5m server in 5 seconds
sleep 5