Resource time warning- Total Script tick problem

Hello im having problem with this, i have not changed anything into my server but after the restart this thing appears can anyone help me?


Same thing… It’s happening on all servers after a new FiveM update.


I hope that they will fix it cause it’s annoying. I have this problem too.


Another problem around here. I think it’s very good that we are notified of optimization, but plant it to all users without the possibility of hiding it, and that it is coming out on the vast majority of servers … please.


It doesn’t happen for “all players”. This is just like the individual resource time warning, but now cumulative for your client. This number is relative (percentage) to a server is losing you out on performance due to bad optimization.

As a server owner, optimize scripts. Don’t run things every tick if it’s not needed. Aim for a total resource time (check resmon) of 3ms or lower.

The bad performance has always been there on servers that get the warning now. Only now you actually see a visual warning. This is not a “problem” of FiveM, this is a problem that is now been shown right in your faces. A problem that has always existed. Much like a doctor tells you that you have a certain disease. Without the doctor, you would’ve never known.

If there were an ability to hide it, server owners will just tell their players to do so. Servers need to be held accountable for the bad performance of their servers that FiveM devs get blamed for. In the end you all want amazing FPS, right? :wink:

Good luck

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Of course it’s FiveM’s problem, for its part. We are developing a server and learning as we go. From one day to the next and without prior notice, both I and hundreds of servers are receiving these notices, in our case all users have reported it to us. If at least he had given us time to know the problem first (since we are newbies and before this notice, we have not received any) we could have anticipated it and at least tried to avoid it before this message appeared to everyone. Instead, FiveM has put it in overnight and without the possibility of hiding it, at least for now.
In addition to that, I do not have to want to optimize anything on my private server, I pay for the service and the platform, FiveM does well to notify us of these problems but not to plant it in the face of all users and without being able to hide it until we Let’s do the hard work of fixing all the problems.

To adapt to the ridiculous example you have set: It is one thing for the doctor to tell you that you have a disease, another for the doctor to go screaming everywhere and at everyone that you have a disease.


Thats true and its nice, but in a server owner side, would be better to get more info rather an alert, maybe the position of the loop that’ fivem thinks isn’t optimized :wink:

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99 times out 100 there is nothing for the player to do about this information anyways. If the server devs are any good at all, they already are aware of unoptimized code. To force a message on all players that have zero control over the dev side is just stupid. Now everyone is stuck with that message while I go through and fix things that are not necessarily causing an issue (besides some FPS loss).

A way to hide this notice is necessary. I’ve seen this coming because I’m running the canary client, but hasn’t been enough time to fix other peoples code before release.

Also the zero communication about this update (unless I missed it) has been pretty cool.

I do think it is necessary that server owners/devs fix their scripts. I do not think forcing a warning is the right move when it doesn’t effect anyone except them, and their player base.


I agree, devs who know what they are doing already look at the resmon everytime they work on something, this will just cause annoyances for end users which in return will whine (rightfully so) to server owners.

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I don’t have much time to read and reply to everything, but this is a part lie. It’s not “without notice” and also not “From one day to the next”. This is only true if you run production channel. What I ask every developer is to run Canary (Experimental) branch and keep an eye on commits. Why?

You would’ve known this exists. You would’ve gotten the warning on your local development server 2 weeks ago. You would’ve had time to start optimizing stuff. You would’ve increased the FPS of all your players. You would’ve not had players ask in your own forum/Discord why there’s a warning. You would’ve been able to proudly announce some great updates. You would’ve…and so on.

This is not a “fuck you” from FiveM. This is a very helpful tool to assist server owners with making their server performance the best possible. Instead of being so held back about this change, how about you all embrace it. Even with “intermediate skills” you can learn a lot. Use the tools available. Open up F8 and see a great new menu where you will find tools you may have never heard about. Use profiler to get the exact resource, thread and line number that is causing issues.

Take this as an opportunity.

P.S. This exact discussion was had when the first individual resource time warnings became available. Server owners complained, resource authors/maintainers complained. But guess what, you probably haven’t seen such a warning in a while. And why is that? Because the open source resources have all updated. Same now. If you use a public resource, give the authors some time to update it if you aren’t capable of doing so. I get some of the worries with this change, but in the end everyone will be happier.

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If you’re suggesting that slapping a fat post-it note to users computers (users that have nothing to do with the servers development) is somehow a “very helpful tool” then you lost me there.

Good developers are already aware of this issue and are working on it. No reason to impact active servers in such a way. Completely unnecessary. Im all for new tools, and efficiency. I think it is necessary to optimize. BUT, this is not the way to go about it.


Server owners do not know how to optimize their scripts. That’s why they react. You must have prepared a guide for them before doing this move, or took an action to hide this warning message.


Script frametime is also based on the user’s CPU, so a game mod could run fine and not give warning for someone and spam the warning 24/7 for others.


im a server owner and im okej with this. like that they tell me . but one thing that i dont like is that its in the face on all my players. Just let the “owners” have it


Personally I’m a new FiveM developper and I’m doing my best to optimize everything I can.
As of now, I think did a pretty good job with what I made.

For this warning, I agree that we have to optimize our work the most we can, but the major problem is that everyone doesn’t get this message on my server. I checked with few players and we have different tick time between each player.
I personally have it under 3.5 ms while other player on the same server, with the same resources are running at 2.5 ms (and have no problems, no warnings) and some other are at 5.8 ms (so they have the warning). How can this be such random between every players?

How much do we have to optimize our server to be sure that nobody will ever get this warning? There will always be players that have a very bad PC but can still play FiveM, and will, then, get the warning?

Unfortunately yes. Depends on their hardware. A slower/older CPU will naturally be able to compute stuff slower.

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can they display it smaller, thanks !

Well, let’s optimize as much as we want, but this error will occur with players?
For, A slower/older CPU will naturally be able to compute stuff slower.


why displaying warning mesage for players? lol just why !!!


How I see it, I’ve been watching the development and that neat little toolbar at the top of F8 is very useful, maybe it would be worth considering adding a toggle there in the performance section to disable these warning messages, also maybe it would be worth your while because then it’s a good compromise, server owners can enable it for testing and also tell other users to enable it to test a new script or whatever but it also isn’t in your face 24/7.

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