Okay so i’m fairly new to this so bear with me please. I am running an FX server with EssentialMode4 and MySQLI. I have no idea what this means in all honesty. i just followed this tutorial. I got it all set up correctly. Now all i see when adding resources/scripts is that some require MySQLI and some don’t. Or that some are ESX or not. Can someone link me an explanation and some resources/scripts as well. Any help is very much appreciated.
Hi there Iris and welcome to the joys of server administration
First off Essentialmode != ESX. ESX is a framework dependent on ES and needs to be installed on top of ES before installing any ESX resources. I can say with some confidence that you aren’t done yet at ES and you want to install ESX since that’s what the lion’s share of resources are written for.
Resources add features to your game server. Consider it similar to adding those sweet sweet curb feelers and fuzzy dice to your car. They make up the bells and whistles of your server.
When deciding what resources you want to install you want to consider framework(ESX, VRP or freestanding). Also, you need to make sure they are up to date as older resources won’t work with newer frameworks and vice versa.
Search the forums for ESX and browse through these two github accounts(1 and 2) to find resources and hang out in the unofficial ESX Discord support channel for ideas and assistance. If you post questions concerning a resource in the forum here, make sure you find the release / support topic for it and ask in that topic. The gents that manage the forums get gruff and will lock your topic otherwise.
my best advice for you if you are attempting to learn. Start small with just a regular FX server. Learn how resources work and how to edit them .Learn a little LUA on the way. Then when your more comfortable . Work on learning essential mode and how it works with a database. Then start working on essential mode extended.