[Resolved] Stop auto respawning

I’ve took a gander at some of the lua files in the fivem gamemode, and I’m having some trouble with figuring out how to stop the auto respawn.


AddEventHandler('onClientMapStart', function()
	Citizen.Trace("ocms fivem\n")

	Citizen.Trace("RP: Disabling autospawn...")
	Citizen.Trace("RP: Autospawn disabled!")
    SetClockTime(24, 0, 0)
    Citizen.Trace("ocms fivem end\n")

yet that doesnt seem to work anymore.


I have been trying this as well. Looking to disable this then have paramedics use /revive command or player respawn on command if none around…

I have not found anything to get this working

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Yeah its a shame the creator of RPDeath removed his script :frowning:

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I have figured it out. There is a setting in the Spawn Manager resource under the hierarchy of Server\resources[system]\spawnmanager.


Here is my spawnmanager.lua, just with the necessary edits to function as the RPDeath creator had intended.

You shouldn’t edit the default FiveM files. Each update will cause problems. You should disable autospawn client side in your gamemode.

I just changed two true values for force respawn to false.


how to stop auto respawn to make the dead player stay dead after relogin

If you use ESX, then in esx ambulancejob config you can do it.

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i enable the anti combat log but still the same. after relog the player respawn again with message “You have been revive by ResuscitationX…” something like that. Anyone can help? I cant provide the esx_ambulancejob and spawnmanager too if it needed

There is but one resource that turns the autospawn on and thats basic-gamemode
you just have to edit that resource

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do you know how disable the default esx deqath grey screen when it says press G for help

From the config, you’re able to nearly modify everything.