[Resolved] Server Name, hostname, projectName, and ProjectDesc in Server.cfg

Hello I am attempting to list my server in the server list.

While it is showing, it does not show correctly.

Below in the details drop down I have included screenshots. Please remove that section if this violates the community guidelines as far as self-promotion in this forum section. Prior to the Details section I’ve tried to explain it as best as possible without including the .cfg or screenshots.

sv_hostname "REDACTED"

This shows just fine on the Server Details Page.

sets sv_projectName "^2Server ^3Name ^2Redacted"
This shows in the server list as “^2 Server Name Redacted” - just one color regardless of what I change it to.

sets sv_projectDesc "| Description | Description | Description | Description | AND MORE! | website.com"
This just shows as a single pipe “|” off to the side.

I’m wondering if there is a character count, or something I am placing in the string that is causing it not to update properly .

Un-Redacted - WARNING: You will see my server name here, please do not consider this promotion

sv_hostname "^5NEW 🌴^2Smoke ^3Shack ^2Gaming🌴^7| ^6💺Casual RP🍸 ^7| ^5👮🏼‍♂️👨‍🚒👨‍⚕️Public Police/Fire/EMS🚓🚒🩺 ^7| ^6vMenu ^7| 340+ Vehicles ^7| ^5Recruiting Staff and Department Leadership! ^7| ^3New Community ^7| ^4SmokeShackGaming.com"

sets sv_projectName "^2Smoke ^3Shack ^2Gaming"

sets sv_projectDesc "| Casual RP | Anyone Can Be Police/Fire/EMS | vMenu | Recruiting Staff | AND MORE! | SmokeShackGaming.com"

Showing in Server list:

Showing on Title Screen: (This is showing correctly)

Showing on Server Detail screen: (This is showing correctly)

This has been resolved.

you can’t use pipes intentionally and you can only have one color for sv_projectName

Removed Pipes (" | " ) from ProjectName. Limited Emoji use to 1 emoji. (No Emoji’s in sv_projectDesc)

Changed to:
sets sv_projectName "^2Server Name"

if you don’t set sv_projectName it will use sv_hostname which still allows for multiple colours
but sv_hostname will cut off on the server list (intentionally) so it’s not ideal

Thank you to @distritic for the help in the CFX Discord!

Commenting out sv_hostname caused it to show as “default FXServer” on the server page.

By not setting sets sv_projectName or sets sv_projectDesc you will receive an error in the console:

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