if someone knows that there is something like this out there, you can link it here, but waht i want is a script where i can eg. type a command and someones id, it will it would make them not able to see, i want this to be as simple as it can and if it would be easy to script, i might give it a try, but i havent coded much, just some copy paste scipts. there was something like this for esx but its unsupported
i have done some research but i got a question, how would i go about loading a fullscreen NUI page for a set player with a command, i know i can do something i that direction whit this>
SyntaxEditor Code Snippet
RegisterCommand('cuff', function(source, args)
if args[1] ~= nil then
TriggerClientEvent('anim:cuff', tonumber(args[1]))
(from some cuff script i had lying on my server files)
so from here how do i triger the NUI page?