I’m looking for a way to save player made characters using the server side lambda menu to save the skins to the server on couchdb? ive pulled apart this version of lambda [RE-RELEASE] Lambda Menu resource with a friend of mine so only the skin customization feature works. we just need a way of saving it.
You need to use some natives which are availible on the website. Thanks to @DrSithis, he added some stuff on that.
Uhm, so you need to get the player model. then each ped components (hair, shoes, etc…). Then stock to the Database (no matter if it’s CouchDb or not). You can have example on the release list, some resource which contain in the name model.
They almost all save the skin into the Db 
Good luck ! 
I think you left him the same as me … xd
No offense here, just constating :
He said : “we just need a way of saving it”, I gave him one.
If the question would be : “Could anyone make me a script”, I wouldn’t ever answered.
If you are not able to learn, just don’t make modifications
thank you izio. so its just a matter of making thenatives then having that pushed to the db. would using the steam id identifier work in locking in a skin per person that comes to the server. like they save their skin and its set to their id so over on couch under essentials it would have a new line which has their character details or am i looking too deep into it
Yes. You tie the skins to the player id. You can either make a new table to store all the skin things as well as the player id or you can store it in the existing table done by essentials, as you said. It’s up to you on how you want your things organized. As long as the skins have something to link to, that is unique aka the player id, it’s all good.
hmm alright. now time to go learn how to do that thank you guys