[Request] Revive function for PD [ESX]

I searched on here, found one, added it in but it refuses to work with the esx police base job so either i’ve put it in the wrong place or it just doesn’t work. Any one able to help with a new revive script to add to esx police job menu with screenshots?

This is where I found it

try this one i create

main.lua (64.2 KB) litte error

main.lua (16.4 KB)

and then you only just add the locales if you get any error try to give me the screenshot

Okay, what locales do I add for it to work? I’m literally a beginner at this stuff and learning as I go.

your language , just add it

This is what the error says

main.lua (64.2 KB)

After line 655 where it says

elseif action == 'identity_card' then

you need to add this part below


or else identity card won’t work

[‘revive player’] = ‘Revive Person’,