
Hi,I found that this function is include in the source of fivem.
I can’t call it because it did not included in natives yet.
Without this the overlay lose clip after seconds.(but HasMinimapOverlayLoaded(overlayid) is true).
My code is

function LoadMinimapOverlay(cb)

	if overlay == nil then 
	overlay = AddMinimapOverlay('nbk_pausemenu_map_position.gfx')
    while not HasMinimapOverlayLoaded(overlay) do
	cb( overlay)


    while true do 
        local pos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
		if IsPauseMenuActive() then 
			SetMinimapOverlayDisplay(GlobalOverlay, 0.0,0.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0)
			SetMinimapOverlayDisplay(GlobalOverlay, 0.0,0.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0)
end )

It’s not comfortable to spam AddMinimapOverlay if I did not release/remove the last overlay.
Source of fivem:

Seems more like that’s a bug that you should provide a repro for instead of ‘requesting a remove function’ as a workaround…

Seems more like that’s a bug that you should provide a repro for instead of ‘requesting a remove function’ as a workaround…

Because I’m not sure if it is a bug or not…
And I think if I spam Remove->Add->Remove->Add maybe to solve it…

Why would you think that would even be needed in the first place, and why don’t you think to just provide a repro for what is clearly a bug instead of requesting functionality for a workaround?

Most of drawings functions we spam it as a hobbit…so I think it should spam for normally…
Like GamerTag may lose clip after somewhile.So we have to recreate it for seconds.I took a look ‘playernames’ It’s like remove->add->remove->add.
So that I try to find RemoveMinimapOverlay and found it in the source code.
After that I try to call it as native.But It didn’t worked.So I try to request this function…

--line 66~75 playernames_cl.lua
if mpGamerTags[i] then

                -- store the new tag
                mpGamerTags[i] = {
                    tag = CreateMpGamerTag(GetPlayerPed(i), nameTag, false, false, '', 0),
                    ped = ped

… no? that’s only called when stuff is different.

Provide a repro for the original “loses clip” thing seriously…

It’s embarrassed because after I recreated new folder and edit some codes for record a video to the bug report,“loses clip” things not happened again…