Hey, my name is Vilmer, i am very new to lua or programming at all for that matter
I watched a lot of tutorials on how to create /me & /help etc but i never really understood what the code actually ment. Both youtubers just said do this and do that which didn’t really help me on my path to become a developer within the FiveM community
If anyone is kind enough to go in depth on the code below and tell me what everything means at be very happy, thank your for understanding
If anyone were to respond please explain every single line of code and how the RegisterCommand & function work together, thanks
RegisterCommand(‘help’, function()
… msg(“Discord: discord.gg/xyz”)
. . msg(“Website: website.com”)
… msg(“teamspeak: website.com”)
end, false)
function msg(text)
… TriggerEvent(“chatMessage”, “[Server]”, {255,0,0}, text)