[REQUEST] ESX Vehicle Shop - Edit License Plates (Custom Plates)

Hi mate, Can you help me with esx vehicle shop . I really want every car number plate should have letters IN then numbers. means peds or the one we are buying letters should be static please help me out. i have esx vehicleshop working with my server. This is what generatedPlate = string.upper(GetRandomLetter(Config.PlateLetters) i am seeing in utils.lua inside vehicelshop client. thats why i think its creating random letters but i want to use static is it possible ?

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lol CSYON xd

you can use jsfour license plate system it’s for free just google it

Config.PlateLetters  = 3
Config.PlateNumbers  = 3
Config.PlateUseSpace = true

Edit the letters to 2, numbers how many you want. The easy way to let the player change plate is downloading jsfour license plate. It’s a item so you can do it in a shop/menu/ikea/ whatever you want.