[REQUEST] Casino Development and Bug Fixing


Last week I was reading through the community posts and I found a released casino topic (by @DGVaniX).
There are 4 different kind of games as you can see on the mentioned topic:

  1. Roulettes
  2. Craps - Player v NPC
  3. Craps - Player v Player
  4. Slot Machines

My server at the moment is running with this script and the feedback I got from players and my own experince is that Craps PvP is not working 100% correctly and Slots had an huge win rate (~80%).

I’m opening this topic because I want to work with someone who helps me developing this.


  • Create more games
  • Remake existing games to make them more attractive

Feel free to comment with any suggestion ^^
Thank you!

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Update log
  • Slot Machine’s win rate decreased.
  • Added 10 different emojis to Slots (each one with different % and rewards)

I love this idea! The script you are developing has a lot of potencial, once you add more games and you add a different location for an illegal casino or even for different games in diferent places where maybe you could bet dirty money. THIS CAN BE NEW METHOD OF MONEY LAUNDRY FOR ROLEPLAY, please keep your work going on! I’m also working on something like this and i wiil answer with some code soon. waiting ancious for the realease!
when i change the coords for the rouletes on server.lua here:

local Tunnel = module("vrp", "lib/Tunnel")
local Proxy = module("vrp", "lib/Proxy")

vRPcs = {}
vRP = Proxy.getInterface("vRP")
vRPclient = Tunnel.getInterface("vRP","vRP_casino")
vRPCasinoC = Tunnel.getInterface("vRP_casino","vRP_casino")

rouletteBetters = {}
slotMachinesBetters = {}

barbutPlayers = {}

rouletteBets = {
	{"Green", "Bet on <font color='green'>Green</font><br>Win Chance: <font color='red'>2.7%</font><br>Winnings: <font color='yellow'>x5</font>", 10, 0},
	{"Red", "Bet on <font color='red'>Red</font><br>Win Chance: <font color='green'>48.65%</font><br>Winnings: <font color='yellow'>x2</font>", 2, 1},
	{"Black", "Bet on <font color='grey'>Black</font><br>Win Chance: <font color='green'>48.65%</font><br>Winnings: <font color='yellow'>x2</font>", 2, 2}

tokenDealer = {
	--{924.5140991211, -943.33154296875, 43.85},
	--{924.35131835938, -942.13037109375,43.3}

barbutDealer = {
	--{920.97149658204, -950.31079101562, 43.85},
	--{920.98846435546, -957.63934326172, 43.85},
	--{918.37469482422, -955.56658935546, 43.5},
	--{918.54296875, -948.12005615234, 43.3}

roulettes = {
	--{924.38452148438, -947.25469970704, 43.85},

i get this result and i can’t play on the ilegal casino because the menu does not open!
Nova Imagem de Mapa de Bits.bmp (3.0 MB)

and the original casino stays like this:
Nova Imagem de Mapa de Bits (2).bmp (3.0 MB)

the ressource is running twice in the same place. how can i change the coords?
these are the original files for the casino
server.lua (21.9 KB)
client.lua (14 KB)


Thanks for the support! I’ll maybe create a fork from the original on github to be easier.

We will need to figure out how to had two casinos working at the same time.

Maybe ask the original developer?

That suggestion is awesome, laundering money through an ilegal casino would change a lot the roleplay.


Maybe you could add some kind of loteria to the casino. I’am using this script https://github.com/shadowbrz/vrp_loteria/blob/master/vrp_loteria/server.lua

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Can you make friends with me on disc …
Sorry for my poor English