[Request] Carcols siren ID increase?

Hello everyone!
I wasn’t able to find any posts on this (so hopefully I didn’t miss one :frowning: ). Currently, FiveM is limited to 255 siren IDs which of course is an issue for servers with many cars.
There is a single-player script which increases it so I am wondering if it is possible for FiveM to add in a similar thing. This way we can have many “custom” (non-lore) cars that may have their own individual siren ID.
Anyways thanks for reading and have a wonderful day!

Edit: From what I can find from the sirensetting limit adjuster creator on a discord, they patched the game’s code and “replacing a bunch of byte references (8-bit) with word references (16-bit)” - cpast

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This is the code that CPast wrote to re-reference the memory for the SirenSetting.

Is anyone able to review the code and see if it can be incorporated into the core?


Was this ever able to be implemented into FiveM

No this has not been. FiveM currently still has a 255 siren ID limit.

:frowning: i wish