[request] car meet underground ambient sound emitter

I’m trying to find the emitter, or the ambient sound of the Car Meet Underground, to make it sound in a different location where it originaly is with LinkStaticEmitterToEntity, but i cant find the name in this list Static Emitter GTAV - Pastebin.com. Does anyone knows the name, or how can i do the thing mentioned above?

Edit: seems like its not an emitter, it is a scene. How can i make it sound in specific coordinates?

Anyone correct me if I’m wrong, but if it’s an audio scene then you can use PlayStreamFromPosition(), but you also need to request the correct audio bank with RequestScriptAudioBank() and load the correct stream with LoadStream() and start the scene with StartAudioScene().

I use this for the casino on my server when a player enters it so you’d need to find the correct values for the car meet:

        while not RequestScriptAudioBank("DLC_VINEWOOD/CASINO_GENERAL", false, -1) do
        while not RequestScriptAudioBank("DLC_VINEWOOD/CASINO_SLOT_MACHINES_01", false, -1) do
        while not RequestScriptAudioBank("DLC_VINEWOOD/CASINO_SLOT_MACHINES_02", false, -1) do
        while not RequestScriptAudioBank("DLC_VINEWOOD/CASINO_SLOT_MACHINES_03", false, -1) do
        while inCasino do
            if not IsStreamPlaying() and LoadStream("casino_walla", "DLC_VW_Casino_Interior_Sounds") then
                PlayStreamFromPosition(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z)
            if IsStreamPlaying() and not IsAudioSceneActive("DLC_VW_Casino_General") then

        if IsStreamPlaying() then
        if IsAudioSceneActive("DLC_VW_Casino_General") then

i cant find the strings for RequestScriptAudioBank, nor the car meet or the casino ones. Native references points to AUDIO::REQUEST_SCRIPT_AUDIO_BANK - occurrences and usages - Pastebin.com , but i cant find the one im looking for. Where did you find those?

Here is what I used to remove some sounds at the car meet, I hope you’ll be able to do what you want with it.

     -- SetStaticEmitterEnabled("SE_tr_tuner_car_meet_Meet_rm_Music_01", false) 
     -- SetStaticEmitterEnabled("SE_tr_tuner_car_meet_Meet_rm_Music_02", false) 
     -- SetStaticEmitterEnabled("SE_tr_tuner_car_meet_Meet_rm_Music_03", false) 
     -- SetStaticEmitterEnabled("SE_tr_tuner_car_meet_Meet_rm_Music_04", false) 
     -- SetStaticEmitterEnabled("SE_tr_tuner_car_meet_Meet_rm_Music_05", false) 
     -- SetStaticEmitterEnabled("SE_tr_tuner_car_meet_Main_rm_Vehicle_Noise_01", false) 
     -- SetStaticEmitterEnabled("SE_tr_tuner_car_meet_Main_rm_Vehicle_Noise_02", false) 
     -- SetStaticEmitterEnabled("SE_tr_tuner_car_meet_Meet_rm_Music_Takeover", false) 
     SetStaticEmitterEnabled("SE_tr_tuner_car_meet_Main_rm_Vehicle_Noise_01", false) 
     SetStaticEmitterEnabled("SE_tr_tuner_car_meet_Main_rm_Vehicle_Noise_02", false) 
     SetStaticEmitterEnabled("SE_tr_tuner_car_meet_sandbox_viewer_area_music_01", true) 
     SetStaticEmitterEnabled("SE_tr_tuner_car_meet_sandbox_viewer_area_music_02", true) 
     SetStaticEmitterEnabled("SE_tr_tuner_car_meet_sandbox_viewer_area_music_01_B", true) 
     SetStaticEmitterEnabled("SE_tr_tuner_car_meet_sandbox_viewer_area_music_02_B", true) 
     SetStaticEmitterEnabled("SE_tr_tuner_car_meet_sandbox_music_01", true) 
     SetStaticEmitterEnabled("SE_tr_tuner_car_meet_sandbox_music_02", true) 
     -- SetStaticEmitterEnabled("DLC_Tuner_Car_Meet_Test_Area_Sounds", false) 
     -- SetStaticEmitterEnabled("DLC_Tuner_Car_Meet_Scripted_Sounds", false) 
     SetAmbientZoneState("AZ_tr_tuner_car_meet_Meet_BG", false, true) 
     SetAmbientZoneState("AZ_tr_tuner_car_meet_Meet_BG_2", false, true)
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yes! these are the emitters i need! where did you find it?

Thank you BTW, marking the replay as solution later.

You’re welcome :slight_smile:
I don’t remember where I got them exactly :confused:
Could be from the repo gta-v-data-dumps (I can’t post the link because the owner name is blacklisted on the forum, idk why though)

exactly! it has a list specifically for it. Thank you! marking the reply above as solution.

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