[Request] Better FOV Options

Ok, so I already know there is a FOV slider in the options menu, but lets be honest, it doesn’t do much, its like looking through a magnifying glass. I think that the ability to have a more indepth FOV slider / customisation menu where you could set it to like 200 max (obviously no-one would use 200 but have a high limit so people can choose whats just right for them) would be very useful to people who wish to make 1st person only gamemodes. I have a feeling this would be a very great update for FiveM, and i’d like to hear what others think.

Obviously if it’s not possible due to limitations then it’s not a big issue to me, it would just be cool to have as an extra feature.

  • This is a good idea and needs to happen.
  • Not really a good idea.

0 voters

Make it yourself? The native supports 1 to 130 degrees, 130 degrees twice the normal FOV value, I don’t see why you would need > 130 degree FOV’s, that just ridiculous.



As far as I can tell, there is no way to set the FOV on the first person camera.
The only native is to get the FOV, which does work. GetGameplayCamFov()
But for some odd reason there is no SetGameplayCamFov()