I am looking for a script for esx that lets police see other officers that are on duty, as well as other ems that is on duty. Like on this tiiiinnyyy picture you can see some small blue dots, each dot is a player, or police officer on duty to be specific. Whereever the cop moves, the blip moves too.
This resource might help
Alright, thank you. I will check it out.
It looks too complicated, I’m not sure how to make it work perfectly fine with esx police and medic :I
You can use 2 scripts emergencyblips or pablips .
If you have the esx_policejob there showd be a option on the config to enable police blips . @LimeTheFox
Could you point out the code/file for me so i understand where to look?
Link me it maybe? Been looking for days, still not having any luck finding it.
Thank you for posting this. esx_pablips helped me.
pablips doesnt even seem to work for me at all either lol, so good luck freddan
I already got pablips working on my server.
Can you help me with it please?
and why you dont just enable the config ? :S
I already have, and it doesn’t work. That’s why I opened this topic.
so you got a script 100% that mess with player blips. working fine without problems.
I’m asking for help, you are not providing any useful information, why are you here?
im here to open your eyes pal… look out your scripts , probably you got smth that disables the player blips man
Well I have an “noplayerblips” script… you think that is something?
Problem solved, esx_pablips works just fine when noplayerblips
has been disabled.
told you like two or three times? you got a script that mess with blips… oh so you had noplayerblips ye?..hmmm…
- why do ppl arguing like that? so i wasn’t helpful ye?