I did a texture replacement on the model “p_amb_clipboard_01” . If you replace the prop in solo - the model is replaced. If I stream it to a file server, the model doesn’t change. What to do? Maybe I’m streaming prop wrong?
First of all I want to apologize that your question hasn’t been answered sooner, however I am here to hopefully help you not just figure this out but figure it out for other props too!
Right then, let’s get started!
Addon Props For DpEmotes:
To stream props as addon rather than replace them, here’s what we need to do!
First of all, we need to create a stream folder for dpemotes. Inside that stream folder, let’s create another folder called ‘warrant’
Now, in codewalker, we need to create a new ytyp, you can do this using the latest version from their disscorrd.
Create a new ytyp then there’s an option to “add archetype from ydr”. Use that option and add your ydr, in this case, p_amb_clipboard_02.ydr.
Generate a manifest, save, and place these files inside the ‘warrant’ folder
Open DpEmotes fxmanifest.lua and add the following:
data_file "DLC_ITYP_REQUEST" "warrant.ytyp"
obviously, replace where I have put ‘warrant’ with whatever you have named it, however it is probably easier to just call it ‘warrant.ytyp’.
This should work, and you should now have two clipboards, each with different textures.
If you find props online you want to add to dpemotes and do animations with, you can use the same technique. You don’t need to add the prop to any ymap or existing MLO in codewalker, you can just do what I explained and everything should be fine.
This is how I was able to add addon police badges to my fork of dpemotes
Glad I could help mate! If you ever want to add more props, you can actually add them all to the one ytyp, rename the ytyp, and rename the thing in fxmanifest.lua