Replace interiors background music?

Anyone knows if it would be possible to replace the existing music playing into bars such as Unicron and Tequi-la-la? If I replace the radio station playing the music with a script like this one [Release] [JS] Radio would it work??

I just tried, doesn’t change the music in the interiors :frowning:

Relevant native:

Where I would need to place this if I want to change the music into the unicorn for example?

But it’s possible to play a mp3 file?

You should add your mp3 music to radio station, then set your radio station name.

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how do u set mp3’s to a radio station ?

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Convert Your Music To TTS Format Or Use A Live Radio Station URL

Download Radio Script

Open __resource.lua and for each custom radio do this:

supersede_radio "[ORIGINAL_RADIO_NAME]" { url = "[]", volume = 0.5, name = "[Custom" }