🛒 renzu_shops | Advanced Shops | Stores - Vehicle - Weapons - Movable

Hello, Running into a problem where the script is being run at server start up, and says its runnning in the resource management screen of TXAdmin, but the script is not working. After restarting the script after server startup, the script does work, but it takes a restart of the script to get it working after server startup.

Just curious if you have any idea why, if not i can look into the code, to try to be of some assistance.

We were loading Renzu_shops before Ox_Lib, The load order was wrong, that again was my fault, Sorry.
For anyone else, Load this script after Ox_lib if your having the issue above.


Hi, i think i’ve found some bug… and i can’t find where to fix it
When someone purchases a boat or a plane it’s get into the database as type ‘car’

How can i solve this? Thanks

iam having this problem in qbcore when i try to but something from the store

update your qb-inventory

or i suggest using my forked version to utilise customise / metadatas items with label and descriptions

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i replaced my inventory by yours and this happened when i try to buy something

your qbcore is latest version? my forked version is tested on latest qbcore only.

your having a error which should not be happening in latest version.

and your second picture.

could you make sure the item your buying is existing in your Shared files @ qbcore

and looks like this

is the one giving a function to player for Additem.

so anyone could having the same issue like Additem Nil, is probably the same with this issue.

Hey bro! I’m currently using your shops script, and I’m a noob dev so sorry if I ask the wrong questions but

My main issue atm is that the NPCs/locals in the on-demand selling of shops just stand in front of the cashier without any orders. After killing them, that’s the only time their orders pop up (1x milk, 1x beer etc)

Could you help me figure that out? This only happens to the general store for some reason, but for Ammunation and other store types they order just fine.


i still need to redo the random logic on the purchase orders…

Hey Renzu, Love the script! I do have a question though. I have a lot of “Undefined” items in shops. I do have others even custom items that do show the item name, but others don’t and I’m not really understanding what the difference between the items are, any input?

undefined means the item is probably not registered in your inventory.

Using qbcore, do you mean the items.lua when you say registered in the inventory? Because it is in the items.lua

yes, i use ox_iventory and I only get undefined if an item is in the shop that is not registered in the inventory. Not sure if the same logic applies to qb

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Thanks for the input, appreciate it. I did compare the items that are working and the undefined items in the items.lua and they seem to be the same other than names, not really seeing any difference which kind of has me stumped.

When you say name do you mean the label or the item name? Cause the item name has to be the exact same in both your inventory and shop script

Yeah, the item name

Looks like it may only be happening with weapons I add to the shop…

so same thing but make sure the weapons are added to your qb-weapons as well

Looks like they are all in weapons.lua

One of the items is actually part of qb-core (weapon_fireextinguisher) and still shows undefined.


Yeah qb-weapons has them all too…
All the default weapons are showing undefined as well, I tried weapon_bat just now and same thing. Maybe an issue with adding weapons into the shop and it not reading the item for some reason?

are you using Renzu’s version of qb core? I think he said this will only work with his version