🛒 renzu_shops | Advanced Shops | Stores - Vehicle - Weapons - Movable

Hi Renzu , I updated to the latest version of the shop, i get this error when i try to buy a car, do you know how i can fix it ?
I’m on Esx legacy 1.8.5

This is where is pointing the error :

Added back the 1.1.2 version and it’s working, but 1.1.3 not.

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the jobshop error should not be happening unless you got an error on server first on loading the resource.

did you just pull some updates to your old existing files?

make sure the shop is started after ox_inventory, it could lead issue.

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I switched from 1.7.5 to 1.8.5 legacy. But that was even before I put the renzu_shops on the server and i never had issues with the V1.1.2 shops. It’s something with sql i see, also started renzu after ox_inventory.

EDIT : So i recreated the tables because for some reason nothing was added in the database , and it’s working now.

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so everything works now? with latest legacy? i also use latest legacy

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Yep, everything works, the only thing remained are the warnings :

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i have some updates regarding this, this could be somehow because of movableshops that does not exist anymore.

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If part of the test drive would be great to test the cars before buying them, good code, great support.

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lets see, this resource is starting to be a vehicleshop …

can you request this on github issues. so i can look into it later

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God day, can somebody help, i try to use /stores or /storeadmin command and nothing happens, no errors at console or F8

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esx or qbcore??

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How do I setup renzu_shops with qb-inventory instead of ox?

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just follow the guide

set inventory to qb-inventory and set framework to QBCORE


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Thanks so much for the quick reply, was actually using an old version of your shops script, didn’t realize it was updated. Also getting this error now if you know why, that would help.

script:renzu_shops] SCRIPT ERROR: @renzu_shops/init.lua:126: No such export getConfigWeaponAttachments in resource qb-weapons

Do we have to make the export for qb-weapons or do you have the code we need to insert?

Thanks again, really like your scripts.

qb-weapons should be started if your using Qbcore… its a dependency for weapon datas

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Yeah it’s in and started, that’s why I’m not sure what the issue is

is your qb-weapons have this export?


if not your using an old version of qb-weapons

also the qb-weapons should be started before this resource

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Hello, Spike3122 went to bed, im working alongside him on our server, i dont believe QB-Weapons is starting before your shops, will test that out, but have a quick question myself, How would I got about adding additional Shop Types, im looking into the code and i thought i did everything how it should be, but the Owners Manage Marker disappeared aswell as the Cashiers Marker disappeared, but the Shop marker works and the items i listed in that shop type work. So its about halfway working the way we wanted. And wanted to apologize on my end, didnt know you released a new version for your shops script. Its a really good script the UI is clean and the fact you released it for free i dont understand, its worth $$$. Thank you for your work!\

It turns out we did have an older version of QB-Weapons installed, Just updated and it does have that Export now.
Thanks for the point in the right direction!

-Edit #2-
I just found the error, again I apologize, Its working now.
At least i think I did, if not i may ask for additional help, anyways Thanks!

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