Hi, im here to share with you one of my own scripts. It is a skincreator working on plume esx. Is full custom and it works fine, the package includes modified esx_skin and esx_identity to show my own skin creator. Note that esx scripts are not included in price, because im not the owner of that scripts.
Enhanced HUD script dosnt work with any esx base, and the code is creepy, i only take the images of that resource, but you can find that images on internet. So is not a copy, is do it from 0 and clean coded. @Boost, And i tell you more, the appearance is not all on scripts, the code get some importance here.
Bruh those images arent copyrighted alright only rockstar can do anything abt that, i think its a great resource and working with ped variations is not Easy so hats off to the creator
Looks good, even though it looks identical to what Boost posted, and I know for a Fact that the one boost posted works with ESX, you just need to do a few minor tweaks to it.
I personally feel it’s a bit overpriced, if it sold for maybe HALF the price, I could see people spending money on it, but because it ““LOOKS”” like a knock-off of a free public script, it’s not worth $40+ usd in my opinion
People are just getting TOO greedy with the money hungry thing. Time to start making my own version/rendition of scripts and sell them all for $10-15 max? Maybe i’ll get @Boost and a few others and we’ll design cheap scripts just to undersell everyone lol.
For some reason when I click “Finish” to save the appearance, Nothing happens. It just stays on the character creation screen. Anyone else having this issue?