[Releases] [Free] Cayo Perico Improvements Freeroam 4.2.2

There is a way, yes. it should be something like ISLAND, I don’t know off the top of my head but if you search you’ll find it.

Did you mean “ISHeist = Cayo Perico Island”?

I try it but for some reason is not working :thinking:

ISHEIST is the Cayo Perico island.

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Perfect, now is working! Thank you!


You can do something like this @GTA.Americas @Martonic

local zones = {
	["AIRP"] = "Los Santos International Airport",
	["ALAMO"] = "Alamo Sea",
	["ALTA"] = "Alta",
	["ARMYB"] = "Fort Zancudo",
	["BANHAMC"] = "Banham Canyon Dr",
	["BANNING"] = "Banning",
	["BEACH"] = "Vespucci Beach",
	["BHAMCA"] = "Banham Canyon",
	["BRADP"] = "Braddock Pass",
	["BRADT"] = "Braddock Tunnel",
	["BURTON"] = "Burton",
	["CALAFB"] = "Calafia Bridge",
	["CANNY"] = "Raton Canyon",
	["CCREAK"] = "Cassidy Creek",
	["CHAMH"] = "Chamberlain Hills",
	["CHIL"] = "Vinewood Hills",
	["CHU"] = "Chumash",
	["CMSW"] = "Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness",
	["CYPRE"] = "Cypress Flats",
	["DAVIS"] = "Davis",
	["DELBE"] = "Del Perro Beach",
	["DELPE"] = "Del Perro",
	["DELSOL"] = "La Puerta",
	["DESRT"] = "Grand Senora Desert",
	["DOWNT"] = "Downtown",
	["DTVINE"] = "Downtown Vinewood",
	["EAST_V"] = "East Vinewood",
	["EBURO"] = "El Burro Heights",
	["ELGORL"] = "El Gordo Lighthouse",
	["ELYSIAN"] = "Elysian Island",
	["GALFISH"] = "Galilee",
	["GOLF"] = "GWC and Golfing Society",
	["GRAPES"] = "Grapeseed",
	["GREATC"] = "Great Chaparral",
	["HARMO"] = "Harmony",
	["HAWICK"] = "Hawick",
	["HORS"] = "Diamond Casino And Resort",
	["HUMLAB"] = "Humane Labs and Research",
	["ISHEIST"] = "Cayo Perico",
	["JAIL"] = "Bolingbroke Penitentiary",
	["KOREAT"] = "Little Seoul",
	["LACT"] = "Land Act Reservoir",
	["LAGO"] = "Lago Zancudo",
	["LDAM"] = "Land Act Dam",
	["LEGSQU"] = "Legion Square",
	["LMESA"] = "La Mesa",
	["LOSPUER"] = "La Puerta",
	["MIRR"] = "Mirror Park",
	["MORN"] = "Morningwood",
	["MOVIE"] = "Richards Majestic",
	["MTCHIL"] = "Mount Chiliad",
	["MTGORDO"] = "Mount Gordo",
	["MTJOSE"] = "Mount Josiah",
	["MURRI"] = "Murrieta Heights",
	["NCHU"] = "North Chumash",
	["NOOSE"] = "N.O.O.S.E",
	["OCEANA"] = "Pacific Ocean",
	["PALCOV"] = "Paleto Cove",
	["PALETO"] = "Paleto Bay",
	["PALFOR"] = "Paleto Forest",
	["PALHIGH"] = "Palomino Highlands",
	["PALMPOW"] = "Palmer-Taylor Power Station",
	["PBLUFF"] = "Pacific Bluffs",
	["PBOX"] = "Pillbox Hill",
	["PROCOB"] = "Procopio Beach",
	["RANCHO"] = "Rancho",
	["RGLEN"] = "Richman Glen",
	["RICHM"] = "Richman",
	["ROCKF"] = "Rockford Hills",
	["RTRAK"] = "Redwood Lights Track",
	["SANAND"] = "San Andreas",
	["SANCHIA"] = "San Chianski Mountain Range",
	["SANDY"] = "Sandy Shores",
	["SKID"] = "Mission Row",
	["SLAB"] = "Stab City",
	["STAD"] = "Maze Bank Arena",
	["STRAW"] = "Strawberry",
	["TATAMO"] = "Tataviam Mountains",
	["TERMINA"] = "Terminal",
	["TEXTI"] = "Textile City",
	["TONGVAH"] = "Tongva Hills",
	["TONGVAV"] = "Tongva Valley",
	["VCANA"] = "Vespucci Canals",
	["VESP"] = "Vespucci",
	["VINE"] = "Vinewood",
	["WINDF"] = "Ron Alternates Wind Farm",
	["WVINE"] = "West Vinewood",
	["ZANCUDO"] = "Zancudo River",
	["ZP_ORT"] = "Port of South Los Santos",
	["ZQ_UAR"] = "Davis Quartz",

function GetZoneNameLabel(zoneName)
	if zones[zoneName] then
		return zones[zoneName]
		return zoneName

I might actually include the zones into this resource actually, and tbh, you’re pretty dumb to use both North Yankton, and Cayo Perico, and the aircraft carrier lol, AND the arena wars location which is like, near North Yankton and Cayo Perico lol

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How would i go about removing the island from the 2D map? I dont want it there when people press escape to get the map

No idea. You would have to look at some natives or something.

Anyone else here experiencing water on the map flickering when using this resource? I can’t figure out why this is happening but myself and several others on my server are noticing it.

That shouldn’t be happening. You must have another resource conflicting. Check graphics settings and Nvidia settings

Hmm okay interesting. I will dig around and see what might be causing the conflict.

Are you on the latest version of this resource and the cfx.re artifacts for FiveM?

There was a weird water flickering issue previously, but that was due to the mines underwater. I ended up removing them as I was sick of bumping into them.

Hi! I just want to say that I love this resource, it brings so much life and detail to cayo perico and it really has made the island so much better for rp!

Also I was wondering if there is any way to make the npc’s like the guards and the pilot be mortal? or to just remove some of them? because when roleplaying sometimes the guards need to be dead and also a lot of people do scenes where they own the island and then its weird that el rubio is just sitting there in the office.

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Thank you for the kind words!

You can indeed remove them.

To do so, open the scripts folder and delete main_peds.lua and peds_config.lua.

Now, open the fxmanifest in a text editor such as notepad++ or something, and remove the following:

	'scripts/peds_config.lua', -- Added Invincible Peds
	'scripts/main_peds.lua', -- Don't touch

You also have the choice of vehicles in the Optional files to choose from like no planes, no boats, no vehicles at all.


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Thank you! I will not remove the peds completely but just remove the ones that I don’t want like el rubio. I have also made them mortal.


CHANGES TO FILE: peds_config.lua

  • Shoutout to cfx.re community member @StillRobin2 for the following:

  • Added guards around and inside the mansion compound

  • Added Valet ped at Beach Party entrance

  • Added Merryweather in Towers with binoculars

  • Added merryweather in numerous other locations

Peds can be added, removed, or commented out in peds_config.lua and fxmanifest.lua

CHANGES TO FILE: fxmanifest.lua

  • Updated fxmanifest to show resource name, author, version number and URL

ADDED: zones.lua

["ISHEIST"] = "Cayo Perico"

No longer shows North Yankton / ‘Cavalry Boulevard’.

**Server owners / Devs can use this file with any discord rich scripts too :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s normal. The script hides Los Santos when you’re on Cayo Perico, and it hides Cayo Perico when you’re in Los Santos. Your blips resource don’t get hidden so :man_shrugging:t2:

Having both islands visible with my resource, causes hangar on Cayo Perico to not appear and can cause other issues.

I do not what the issue is with your map blips, but that happens and is not a big issue.

works great dude, loving the extra details.

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Thanks, glad to hear :slightly_smiling_face: