[Releases] ESX Notepad

I Got this problem :slight_smile:

Did you import “notepad” in database item table?

Can you show how to input this in database? Because i am newbie

INSERT INTO `items` (`name`, `label`, `limit`, `rare`, `can_remove`, `can_steal`) VALUES ('notepad', 'Notepad', 1, 0, 1, 1);

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The reason that the character freazes is because you renamed the resource. If you want to rename it you should do it in js aswell. Otherwise it does that


when i execute the sql insert

delete “, can_steal” then delete the last “, 1”

then rerun

lel doesnt work again i insert it in sql when i press /notes nothing happen :smiley:

if it injected successfully, did you then get the notepad into your inventory?

did you have any new errors with the sql?

i dont have errors or something in console of the server

Ok. I had to add it as an item for shops, then bought it. Then as long as it sat in my inventory, I was able to create notes.

Did you add a way to have it in your character inventory?

can you sent me the script full with sql to try it complete?

I’ll send you an sql file I wrote that “should” implement it, and only costs $1 to buy. after you import this into your sql, I would suggest restarting your entire server to make sure all the scripts update properly

USE `essentialmode`;

INSERT INTO `items` (`name`, `label`, `limit`) VALUES
	('notepad', 'Notepad', 1)

INSERT INTO `shops` (store, item, price) VALUES

Dont worry i fix it thanks for your time!

Can i have it? Im using vRP and i really want it with vRP :slight_smile:

Convert it yourself. Lol

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Anyway to have it so that a player can pick up a note and put it in his/hers inventory if the player wants to save it, if it’s evidence for police, etc?

That you need to do it yourself. The person already give you a base skeleton that you can do as you wanted. Just need to insert it into the database and make it became an item.

Hello, when i type /notes it normally open but when i click on drop my mouse freeze or when i press ESC it’s freezed, do you know how to fix it?

can this notepad add some button to save the notepad then can be editable ?