hi when i use the boombox it is removed from my inventory but when i retrieve it i have the animation but it is no longer in my inventory would you have a solution?

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has anyone gotten this to work? no links work for me

Working just need eng translate and add to inventory when you pick it up

It works perfectly. Just remember that for youtube links to work, you must take the link in question for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBxLgW9lE64 and from this link you copy only the code that is after the = sign. That is: aBxLgW9lE64. This code is the one you put in the boombox and the music will work. Note that some links will still not work due to the copyright restriction of youtube.

Hi. Go to the boombox folder, open the file “server.lua”, look for the line that says “RegisterServerEvent(‘esx_hifi:remove_hifi’)” and replace that whole event with this:

AddEventHandler(‘esx_hifi:remove_hifi’, function(coords)
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
if xPlayer.canCarryItem(‘hifi’, 1) then
xPlayer.addInventoryItem(‘hifi’, 1)
TriggerClientEvent(‘esx_hifi:stop_music’, -1, coords)


I’ve got it working since then. very great item. thanks :smiley:


thaks !!! :smile:

i have it on EN and still when i use the item it says it doesnt exist and it doesnt spawn

I can use it, and i lose it from my inventory but it doesn’t spawn, please help

Its not spawning because the spawncommand of this script is not longer working.
you have to use the ‘ESX.Game.SpawnObject’ instead of 'TriggerEvent(‘esx:spawnObject’

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Hi, I was trying to import the esx hifi sql file which included inside the file to my sql file (MariaDB) through HeidiSQL, but somehow it doesn’t let me drag the file and place in. May I ask in that case what shall I do? Thanks

Warmest regards

there is an error when you leave a boombox with music on and you move out of the range of listening to it and put another boombox with music, it does not allow you to have more than 1 boombox with music on at the same time because it gives an error and does not allow you to play More music

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Where do we have to write this? client.lua or main.lua

when I go away from box and come back music isnt playing, any solutions?

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could you help me about that

It’s normal, if one day I decide to rework the radio … it will have to be done.

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And this problem? The language is EN is correct :anguished:

You need to make sure that you are loading en.lua on the __resource.lua

can anyone help me? i cant use it