standalone plis friend

hi there i have the hifi in my inventory i use it and it spawns on the ground ok but no menu is there a command i need to use to get the menu to play the music?
getting this error nui//esx_hifi/html/app.js:79, uncought RefrenceError: logger is not defined ive tried a lot of different for example 5nu87L615Lo and im getting the same error everytime anyone help out ?

Like it said in the original post only Youtube Video who allow Embed player can be played, this is why you get this error in general


hello i have a problem, i see this in the left site of the screen in game when i install esx_HiFi

Any know why?

This issue has been solve, do you have the last version of the script? Make sure you have this in your index.html :

        <meta charset="utf-8"/>
	<div style="visibility:hidden" id="player"></div>
    <script src="app.js"></script>

Thank you bro!!!

can someone convert it to standalone please

1 Like

If you download the last version it’s fixed

thank you man for this script but could you please make the radio can the ped carry it on his hand or put it in floor … ?

im can’t pres menu radio, and im can’t input link youtube

You can do it yourself,

You don’t need to write full link, press E and you need to put the id afther =

im enter regler kle son, no show menu input link youtube

how to use?

The radio script and prop is working fine for me but when i paste in the vid id it won’t play??
Can anyone help?? Btw the radio sound and ingame music is both at 100??

It’s “Jouer une musique”

same bro. not show menu, all done im press. no show menu

@ginolei pls help? This script is awsome and i want it to work.


Salut !

J’adore le script et l’idée mais cependant je rencontre un léger un problème avec celui-ci. Mon problème est que je peux uniquement jouer ta musique, après en avoir tester une bonne 30 ène de tout pays, style, libre de droit, copyright…
Si tu as une solution ou me dire comme quoi c’est normal ça serait top de ta part merci :slight_smile:


Hello !

I love the script and the idea but still I have a slight problem with this one. My problem is that I can only play your music, after having tested a good 30th of any country, style, royalty free, copyright …
If you have a solution or tell me what is normal it would be great of you thank you :slight_smile:

Most of the music i try does not work.

I tried these, but none of them work.
Any fix for that?

Kind regards,
