[Release] [YMAP] The Blue Hole Bar

Info / Update Notes

Little edit i made to get back into mapedit stuff, the inside is the same as Yellow Jacks.
Emote menu is dpemotes, if you want some /e whiskey/beer for your rp server.

1.1 - fixed ground collision


  • add dpbluehole to your server.cfg, ezpz.
start dpbluehole

x = -149.0, y = -1348.4, z= 29.7

Known Issues:

There are some parts where the inside interior clips out just slightly.
NPCs like to spawn inside, not a big issue but for RP servers its not perfect.
(You can use a script to get rid of the npcs inside)
The door looks really weird if you are looking at it from behind the bar.
(Dont quite know how to fix this)

Any other issues you find let me know, and hopefully i can fix em.

Video Preview

( Watch 2019-10-31 01-46-51 | Streamable ) if it doesn’t load.



Ooh really good!
Is that an MLO that you duplicated at this place?

Hey what is your graphic mod please ?

ye exactly! its the yellow jacks place.
@Larko236 i use shred’s 3.4 and custom reshade stuff

Ok, thanks dp btw your mapping is really really good, looks like the vanilla gta 5 bars

It is literally just that… lol But the exterior looks nice though and fits well. I need to take the time to get back to learning 3ds max a bit more myself and work on some MLO’s.

@Dullpear Can you post the coords for this in the main post?

@ChieF-TroN as soon as the keymaster servers are back up!

Ugh, tell me about it! lol. Can’t get any work done at this rate lol.

can you please provide to everyone where this ymap is located at? thank you

Very nice MLO map, I found the coordinate, here the coordinate (-154, -1348, 30)

@Dullpear This box appears when behind counter looking out the door.

The download link doesn’t work, Please fix it.
