[Release][YMAP][ESX] Police Training Facility V2


This one involves more than just dropping in a ymap. It is also configured as an ESX resource because of the gun range and doorlocks resources used.


I attempted to get permission to post an edited version of esx_gunrange and have yet to get an answer back. So, until I hear otherwise, I’m going to abide by the GPL license which allows for the freedom to redistribute my version of the software. That being said, I have two versions included. One is the original code with only the config file changed to my needs and the second version is the original code with the config file changed to my needs and event names changed so it doesn’t conflict with the other version.

Again, if you are the original creator of esx_gunrange and do not want me to redistribute the software with this training facility, please contact me ASAP and I will remove it.

The teleport script provided is NOT created by me. I don’t remember where I found it and have not been able to find the original code again. If you are or know who the original creator is, please let me know.

Finally, the shoot house is the same one I made for version one. It was just picked up and moved to it’s new location. Codewalker doesn’t allow for turning multiple props at once or at least, I don’t know how to do it in there. So it is facing the wrong way in it’s new location.


The ymap is created by me and with the use of a couple of different resources, is a much better experience. Let’s get into the features.

  • The entire facility has been moved to Fort Zancudo to free up LSIA for people that use the airport as it’s intended to be used.
  • Cones and barrels are movable. This means no more wrecking your car on a small traffic cone.
  • Training areas are now lit up so they can easily be used at night.
  • The big center area of the shoot house now has two working gun ranges with popup targets and scoring with the use of esx_gunrange. One side is just a standard range with targets all at one level, the other side has targets at different elevations.
  • This ymap includes working gates at both entrances of Fort Zancudo. However, this does require some work when installing.
  • The teleport script is already included in the package. It can be used either on foot or in a vehicle.
  • The start area of the EVOC coarse includes a gas pump for those that use any version of LegacyFuel. You know, because cars need gas.


  • The outer section of the shoot house is unchanged and still only has static targets that don’t pop up or fall when shot. Like the original version.
  • The EVOC coarse is smaller, but it still constains MOST of the original features.
  • The EVOC coarse still needs a little work, I just haven’t had the time to revisit it.


Ok, here comes the long boring tedius part. First things first, for the full experience you will need a couple of other resources installed. I won’t help you install these resources. I will only give you the small edits needed to make them work with this training facility. These resources are not required to use the facility, they just add to the experience.

  • Holograms
  • esx_doorlock
  • fivem-ipl I don’t know if my IPL edit will work with other IPL loaders. This is needed to remove the locked in-game Fort Zancudo gates.

Now, let’s get things installed. Again, I will only give install instructions for the provided resources, not any of the extra stuff you will need to get the full experience.

The easy stuff

  • Drop the [PoliceTraining] folder into your resources folder. (Do not remove the brackets, they are needed.)
  • In your server.cfg, add the following lines
  • start esx_gunrange
  • start esx_gunrange2
  • start LEO_Training_Facility

The harder stuff

(These are assuming undedited resources)

Holograms - holograms.lua


				-- Hologram No. 1
		if GetDistanceBetweenCoords( -408.50, 1163.00, 326.00, GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))) < 10.0 then
			Draw3DText( -408.50, 1163.00, 326.00  -1.400, "Your text", 4, 0.1, 0.1)
			Draw3DText( -408.50, 1163.00, 326.00  -1.600, "goes", 4, 0.1, 0.1)
			Draw3DText( -408.50, 1163.00, 326.00  -1.800, "here", 4, 0.1, 0.1)		

Replace with:


==========================================POLICE TRAINING CENTER===================================================


				-- LEO Training Facility - Gate 1
		if GetDistanceBetweenCoords( -2319.18, 3399.4, 38.0, GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))) < 200.0 then
			Draw3DText( -2319.18, 3399.4, 38.0  -0.800, "State of San Andreas", 1, 0.7, 0.7)
			Draw3DText( -2319.18, 3399.4, 38.0  -2.000, "Emergency Services Training Facility", 1, 0.7, 0.7)
			Draw3DText( -2319.18, 3399.4, 38.0  -3.200, "Main Gate", 1, 0.7, 0.7)

				-- LEO Training Facility - Gate 2
		if GetDistanceBetweenCoords( -1576.73, 2780.74, 24.89, GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))) < 200.0 then
			Draw3DText( -1576.73, 2780.74, 24.89  -0.800, "State of San Andreas", 1, 0.7, 0.7)
			Draw3DText( -1576.73, 2780.74, 24.89  -2.000, "Emergency Services Training Facility", 1, 0.7, 0.7)
			Draw3DText( -1576.73, 2780.74, 24.89  -3.200, "Back Gate", 1, 0.7, 0.7)

				-- LEO Training Facility - Weapons Training Room
		if GetDistanceBetweenCoords( -2145.72, 3244.33, 65.0, GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))) < 200.0 then
			Draw3DText( -2145.72, 3244.33, 65.0  -0.800, "San Andreas", 1, 0.7, 0.7)
			Draw3DText( -2145.72, 3244.33, 65.0  -2.000, "Weapons Training Facility", 1, 0.7, 0.7)		

				-- LEO Weapons Facility - Range 2
		if GetDistanceBetweenCoords( -2119.82, 3268.78, 33.0, GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))) < 20.0 then
			Draw3DText( -2119.82, 3268.78, 33.0  -0.800, "Range 2", 1, 0.1, 0.1)		

				-- LEO Weapons Facility - Range 1
		if GetDistanceBetweenCoords( -2130.32, 3275.01, 33.0, GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))) < 20.0 then
			Draw3DText( -2130.32, 3275.01, 33.0  -0.800, "Range 1", 1, 0.1, 0.1)		

				-- LEO Weapons Facility - Exit
		if GetDistanceBetweenCoords( -2133.5, 3304.14, 34.50, GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))) < 60.0 then
			Draw3DText( -2133.5, 3304.14, 34.50  -0.800, "EXIT HERE", 1, 0.3, 0.3)		

				-- LEO Weapons Facility - Enter
		if GetDistanceBetweenCoords( -2150.13, 3235.76, 34.50, GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))) < 60.0 then
			Draw3DText( -2150.13, 3235.76, 34.50  -0.800, "ENTER HERE", 1, 0.3, 0.3)		

				-- LEO Weapons Facility - Enter
		if GetDistanceBetweenCoords( -2340.2, 3264.95, 34.50, GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))) < 60.0 then
			Draw3DText( -2340.2, 3264.95, 34.50  -0.600, "SWAT/SRT TRAINING", 1, 0.3, 0.3)	
			Draw3DText( -2340.2, 3264.95, 34.50  -1.200, "FACILITY", 1, 0.3, 0.3)	


==========================================POLICE TRAINING CENTER===================================================


esx_doorlock - config.lua


	-- Addons

Above that, add

	-- Fort Zancudo Great Ocean Hwy Entrance
		objName = 'prop_gate_airport_01',
		objCoords  = {x = -2323.39, y = 3393.71, z = 30.0},
		textCoords = {x = -2319.81, y = 3399.76, z = 32.72},
		authorizedJobs = { 'police' },
		locked = true,
		distance = 14,
		size = 2

		objName = 'prop_gate_airport_01',
		objCoords  = {x = -2315.04, y = 3404.96, z = 30.0},
		textCoords = {x = -2319.81, y = 3399.76, z = 32.72},
		authorizedJobs = { 'police' },
		locked = true,
		distance = 14,
		size = 2

	-- Fort Zancudo Route 68 Entrance
		objName = 'prop_gate_airport_01',
		objCoords  = {x = -1571.79, y = 2785.86, z = 17.0},
		textCoords = {x = -1576.25, y = 2780.15, z = 18.5},
		authorizedJobs = { 'police' },
		locked = true,
		distance = 14,
		size = 2

		objName = 'prop_gate_airport_01',
		objCoords  = {x = -1581.76, y = 2775.67, z = 17.0},
		textCoords = {x = -1576.25, y = 2780.15, z = 18.5},
		authorizedJobs = { 'police' },
		locked = true,
		distance = 14,
		size = 2

Fivem-IPL - client.lua


	-- Zancudo Gates (GTAO like): -1600.301, 2806.731, 18.797

Change to:

	--Zancudo Gates (GTAO like): -1600.30100000, 2806.73100000, 18.79683000
	if IsIplActive('CS3_07_MPGates') then





Thanks for checking this out.
I only lay claim to the ymap itself, be sure to visit all the resource links provided to thank those guys for the awesome work they do.


What’s up with the title? Okay that it’s a release and it’s a YMAP and it’s using ESX but what is it? Please put the name in the title.

1 Like

LOL, oh yeah… Thanks

Is it possible to use without ESX?

Sure, but you will lose the gun range functionality.

The gun range script doesn’t work, without a specific dependency. It must check for a first name, Last Name, DOB, ETC. Is there a version without those features? Or could you make a separate copy that just uses your steam name?

ok thx

Read the title of the post. Then in the second sentence of the OP is plainly states that this is setup for ESX.

You are more than welcome to edit the resources to work for you, however, the resources I used to create the experience are for ESX.

I will not be changing it since I have no use for a non-ESX version.

I have esx installed but you need dependencies beyond esx, like esx_identity. When I went to the original esx_gunrange it said i needed a large amount of dependencies. Is it possible to make a version that just checks if you have the police job?

I have no intention to make it work for individual people. I would just end up sitting here for days on end changing it to suit someone else’s needs. My apologies for my bluntness, however, I set this up how I needed it and shared it. If it doesn’t work for your setup, there is nothing I can do. My github also has a version 1 that is stand alone. Maybe that one will suit you better.

This is nice im going to use this next time i’m hosting an training

1 Like

Thanks for all the work here. I have used this for numerous training with my police forces and it really adds some depth to the training.

1 Like

What is the car that appears in the photos? I like it

hi i have tryed this out and it doesnt work the doors are still there the holograms do work and the esx door looks also do not work no options to lock it i have followed all your instructions as you posted can not get this to work at all

edit it works i was editing my back up resource lol good job dude :smiley:

Just a CVPI with a custom livery and addon wheels from LSPDFR

Hey mate love the mod 10/10 just one thing how do you remove the planes and helicopters from spawning?

That’s a nice release, well done.

After adding those codes for esx_doorlock, my plugin failed the operate correctly with no error.

If the resource isn’t loading, there is an error somewhere. Since the only thing that is touched is the config file, make sure you didn’t accidentally remove a comma or something. If you have a backup, compare the two.

As always, insure that you are using the latest and greatest.

Also, never make edits to a resource without keeping it open in your editor so that after you test, you can undo the edits if something is messed up.