[Release] xnTattoos (ESX)

Tattoos wont be saved, SQL is imported to the database, what can i do?

can someone explain how do i add the tattoos

any errors?

No, but i think it has fixed it by itself, we must only wait an little time and then the tattoos are visible

hello, is there a way to configure an outdoor shop?
if I put a shop outside, it takes the whole map

when i access the tattoo menu, i cant press enter on any categories to apply tattoo’s…this is only for my character, ive deleted him and same thing with new character, anyone know whats going on? also my DB says i dont have any tattoos on this character

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Great script, anyway to make the tattoos sync faster with the body? Like for example when you join the server it sometimes takes 5 minutes for the tattoos to apply on the players ped.

Hey someone know why when i want open a category nothing is working ? The main menu is showed, any errors on f8 or server consol

i don’t know but for me its working perfectly

wich framework are you using ?

Latest esx, latest server build

Just the menu is bugged, tatoo perfectly loaded when i spawned on the server, i can open the main menu but not the categories…

Problem solved, just change registered keys about jaymenu.lua like in my screen shot


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how can i edit the picture in the Menu Title (the blue one)?

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Hello did someone make the news tatoos from Criminal Entreprise DLC ?

i am searching for an way to change that too


local initialSpawn = true <<----ADD THIS

AddEventHandler(‘skinchanger:modelLoaded’, function() <<----REMOVE THIS

AddEventHandler(“playerSpawned”, function()
if initialSpawn and GetNumberOfPlayers() == 1 then <<----ADD THIS

ESX.TriggerServerCallback('SmallTattoos:GetPlayerTattoos', function(tattooList)
	if tattooList then
		for k, v in pairs(tattooList) do
			if v.Count ~= nil then
				for i = 1, v.Count do
					SetPedDecoration(PlayerPedId(), v.collection, v.nameHash)
				SetPedDecoration(PlayerPedId(), v.collection, v.nameHash)
		currentTattoos = tattooList

	initialSpawn = false    <<----ADD  THESE 3 LINES


end) <<----REMOVE THIS

i lost all my tatto anyone help me

I hate to reply to a post that’s 2.5 years old, but do you have some json or code examples you could provide me to add custom tattoos to the script?

I moved on to QBCore man I don’t even have the code I used for this anymore unless you use QB I have the stuff for that somewhere