[Release] WilshireDied

So this is a spin off of RPDeath that was made a while ago for a specific server’s purpose. It handles the prevention of automatic respawn, with some added effects and abilities that I found was lacking in RPDeath. I added the wasted menu, as well as effects for being “knocked out” as well as a significantly decrease in time. This was a “finished” (finished in terms of I was no longer actively working on it) product around a year ago, and was to be kept private, however recently it was brought to my attention that it was released to other servers unintentionally. Because of this, I decided that I would publicly release it before they can to claim it as their own.

It handles certain weapons such as:
unarmed, nightstick, knuckleduster, taser, and flashlights as a knockout.

I might fix some of the bugs, as well as change, and change some more fields to be global for easier use, but I don’t see myself doing that any time soon. Also commands are handled as chat messages, rather than being RegisterCommands, this is because of the system that a certain community uses to log messages. The content could just be moved over to RegisterCommands if needed.

How to use:
First download it:
Install and start the resource, pretty self explanatory at this point.
The command /reviveall needs the ace “wd.reviveall”

Working commands:
/reviveall -> needs ace from above
/revive -> revives the client
/revive [ID] -> revives the target ID
/consolerevall -> revives all clients, must be executed from the console. We used in conjunction with Admin Panel
/staffrevive -> does NOT have ace perms on it, however that could be easily changed. Immediately revives the client, and displays a chat message.

Do-nothing commands (All of these commands are in the resource due to other scripts using similar commands, and users not knowing which to use). The community that this was developed for, used these older command before the current script, so they were brought into this resource to tell (via chat message) the users about the more current commands.


Multilingual Wasted Script
@CakeArmy_Max for development help.
I vaguely remember using an animation snippet that I found, but because it was a year ago, I cannot remember where that was.

If I missed any credits, I am sorry, and I will amend the post with proper credits, however as this was made a while ago, I do not remember the exact places that I referenced.


lol nice

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Any screenshots or video to see it in action? :innocent:

Did someone know how to remove the effect of classic death from GTA V when you are knock out and just ragdoll KO with notification ? #needhelp please.

If you just comment out lines 398-455 in the client.lua that will technically disable it. Idk if there is any other issues that will come up. That will add just the draw text to the screen with the time remaining to revive.

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