[Release] Weapons On Back

how I can make a command to toggle this? (like to hide the gun in a bag or something like that)

how I can make a command to toggle this? (like to hide the gun in a bag or something like that)

@CopyG Removing the gun from the player’s weapon wheel has the effect of removing it off the person’s back. So use a native that removes it from the player’s inventory.

not sure what on the script makes it wiggle when you walk

@Cggaming153 Not sure what you mean by “wiggle”

ok thanks you i will try with [DISCONTINUED] esx-kr-bag-inventory an see if the gun disapires when is in the bag

i figured it out the bad wiggling

the scrpit is set to the wrong back bone


Currently the script does not support showing attachments of the gun when on a player’s back.

I plan on doing that when I have some time and would also be glad to review a PR if someone else wants to add that functionality for me.

Hey, Minipunch.

If you are still working on this or actively developing it mind updating it so it cleans up any dropped weapons on the floor (from changing peds, leaving players, and more)

Thanks, wiggy.

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did anyone fix the problem where car go carzy when this resourse is on , it won’t happen all the time but sometimes it does

Script started crashing when I switched to Canary/latest FiveM build. Anytime we draw a rifle from the armory, the game crashes. Disabled the resource and no more crashes. Love the plugin, my players love it. We simulate California so open carry is illegal and this makes longguns not come from people’s asses. However, it’s no longer usable.

[EDIT] Honestly, it feels like an infinite loop crash. I’m looking through the code you provided, if I identify what’s going on, I’ll make a pull request.

[EDIT] Resolved: The latest FiveM build (or being on Canary, one of the two) caused some kind of bug with DeletePed and DeleteObject. As soon as I switched this to DeleteEntity, the plugin worked. Essentially what happened, is the weapon object on the back never got deleted, so it was just creating tons of weapons on the back.

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Hey! This script is based on weapons on back however I modified it so the weapons are in the front on your chest! Use these in ‘cl_weapons-on-back’ file!

x = 0.10,
y = 0.21,
z = -0.05,

when holstering my weapon the weapons disappears on my back, any fix?

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I cant get the compactrifle to work

this is the line i put in:

  ["w_ar_compactrifle"] = 1649403952,

but it just doesn’t work. please help.

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Thanks for the nice Script!
Do Someone have the coordinates for the Pistols in yout back shorts?


How to get RPG on back? I dont know what to put there with the code

What would you XYZ Rotation be?

[“w_ar_assaultrifle_smg”] = 1649403952,

my mate has this so pistols and some mele are on the hip. attempting to do this now XD.
cool thing about it is. the torch on the hip turns on when you aim. its really amazing and immersive.
the weapons seam to be props tho right not offical weapon names ? the
nice script

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Yo Do Someone have the coordinates for the Pistols in the back shorts?
I want to put the pistol in the back of the pants i would appreciate it if someone could help me.

How about carbine rifle mk2

Could anyone send me this script but the pistol is on the back?