[Release] WeaponDrop

Drop the weapon you are currently holding by pressing F9.


  • Complete with the weapon drop animation.
  • Disables melee when holding any weapon other than a melee weapon. No more pistol whipping anyone!
  • Drops weapons when player dies.

Download here: https://github.com/Deziel0495/WeaponDrop


Hell yea thank you. My wife and I do this alot hahah ;(

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Thanks for this release!

It works and nice release anyway of making it others can pick it up please

There is another native for dropping a weapon (SetPedDropsWeapon) but it only visibly drops the ammo cartridge. Other players can pick it up though this way and even though you can only see the ammo cartridge you still get the weapon.

I’m not sure if there is currently a way to combine the two.

Is it possible to add a line for remove the drop weapon from the database?

And another for add it to the database when we take it ?

Sorry for my english, i’m french :wink:

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Ive edited the script and added that native the player does drop the mag but then you cant pick it up

Yeah, it’s kinda hit and miss. I’m still trying out a few things.

SetPedDropsInventoryWeapon = Drop weapon model, only you can pick it up.
SetPedDropsWeapon = Drop magazine, others can pick it up, you can’t.

do you have the code to make it command based?

If you want to make it command based for yourself, go for it. I’m going to keep it button based for ease of use.

Best way to see if something works is to try it yourself. I’m not going to paste code so you can copy it and move on. You learn nothing like that. :slightly_smiling_face:

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is this working correctly?
I need some feedback guys, I wanna use it maybe in my roleplay server…

Dude, just try it out yourself and see if it works for you.

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Hey man, is there a way to disable the “Drop Weapon” script on controller and just keep it on keyboard? It’s pretty annoying when I’m on a traffic stop, the suspect runs, and I drop my weapon while trying to get back in my vehicle lol. The controller button that drops your weapon is the Y button.

I dont get the animation working, got no errors at all, any idea please ?