I bring a basic HUD, it is not the best solution but it is better than the one that comes with vrp2 by default. It is an adaptation of ESX, basically it is the same only that it was adapted to the new structure of vRP2 because there are no people who now program for vrp2
- This is only limited to the vRP framework, an ESX version is [here] (GitHub - LlamaisWeird/np-hud: 2020 Nopixel hub)
- You can edit and improve it.
- I am not interested in making resources or adapting them to ESX so I appreciate that you do not waste time asking if I have a solution for that fw.
How to install:
- Download GitHub - iP4STRANA90/vrp_basic_needs: Hud vRP2
- Copy vrp_basic_needs to your resource folder.
- Launch the resource and have fun!
- [LlamaisWeird] ([LlamaisWeird]) · GitHub ](LlamaisWeird · GitHub)) for help with fixes and making the script functionable at multiple locations.
- Any changes or improvements made, you must start a pull request.
- Do not redistribute or sell any of my scripts.