This script allows admin with the “admin.createGarage” permission to spawn any garage that exists in “vrp/cfg/garages.lua”, anywhere on the map! Just stand in the place where you want to have a garage, go to “K > Admin > Create Garage” and just enter the name of the garage and BOOM! You have a garage there without having to add it to the config file and restart the server!
Just replace “basic_garage.lua” or just take the code from the file and add it to your server (only do that if know what you’re doing)
Hi i have a quick question i order to use your vrp save tunning i need to have dunko v6.6 from your github? because if i use other vrp my garages don’t work
not work… always restart the script on “admin.createGarage” and same whith basic_garage.lua
pliz help me…
-on zap hos- done stop server
-use filezila- after server off i put the script.
if i add garages in this way how can i add the cars? it will bee aded in the same time ? without i go to vrp/garages and i add the names of the cars?