[RELEASE] [VOIP] pma-voice - Voice Chat using FiveM's built in mumble server

Not sure how you got submixs to work with 3d audio, is it shouldn’t be possible, either way, 3d audio was previously marked as ‘legacy audio’.

Also not sure what you mean by ‘lets us have both configs working’


So I have this setup, what can I do to show players names who are talking?

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This may be a stupid question, but where to I put the setr commands? In my server config file?

Yes, you can also add a .cfg to the pma-voice resource and do exec @pma-voice/config.cfg iirc

I’m trying to add the item as an usable in ESX and I tried both ways :

  • using exports["rp-radio"]:SetRadio(true/false) (not sure how to use it though)
ESX.RegisterUsableItem('radio', function(source)

However, when I do this, I get a server side error telling me

  • using TriggerClientEvent('rp-radio:Radio.Set', true)
ESX.RegisterUsableItem('radio', function(source)
	TriggerClientEvent('rp-radio:Radio.Set', true)

And this one straight up doesn’t function. I tried using a print on the EventHandler :image

But nothing :frowning: I’m probably making a lot of mistakes there, I know…

I really need help please !

EDIT TO ADD : the script works fine when I don’t want the radio to be an item

Hey, the first one you posted wouldn’t work as rp-radio doesn’t have any server-side exports.

The second one isn’t working because TriggerClientEvent has two parameters you have to provide it, one being the event name, and the other one being the person to trigger the event on (the source).

If you add your source after the event name, and also only provide Radio.Set as the event name, it should work

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Yes. As it turns out I’m just stupid, I tried that just before going to bed.
Obviously that works when I correctly get the source (I had no idea you had to get the source for it to work, now I know !)

However I’m facing a new problem, quite intersting to say the least :
When I broadcast on the radio, meaning that, when I press the shortcut (tried with Left Alt or Caps Lock) that also triggers the “esx_trunk” script that is used to open the vehicle trunks. But they’re absolutely not on the same shortcut (esx_trunk is on “N”)

Do you have per chance any idea on why ?

No I wouldn’t, sorry :frowning:

I’ll look into it. Thanks for your quick answers (and thank you for your scripts, they’re great !)

Any fix to the positional camera audio or its intended behaviour?

The proximity is taken from the camera perspective not the player position

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It’s intended behavior, it is how GTA Audio (and therefore Native Audio) works, it calculates sounds based off of how close they are to your camera

Hey !

I found the problem with the conflict with another script ! It is due to “pma-voice” :
in client\module\radio.lua at line 146 147 148. There’s this FiveM function called “SetControlNormal()”

When I lookup the doc it says “This is for simulating player input”. Can I decomment this without breaking the script :sweat_smile: ?

Players wont talk in proximity when using the radio if you do that.

Oh ok I think I understand, it simulates the push-to-talk from GTA ?
I guess my only solution is to change the bind from my other script

But it is so annoying and unreal … I hope you think of a new way to do it, at least as an option for all those who have posted that they do not like that behavior of the audio … Maybe a convar or whatever but an option for all…

This isn’t something I have control over, you can make it a feature request for FiveM, though it likely wont happen.

Yes it simulates GTA PTT

Anyone else had issues with voice range not working properly and found a fix. Everything works fine, phone, radio, voice, but if you change from whisper to shouting there’s is no difference…the UI will toggle from whisper normal and shouting but the voice stays at shouting no matter what.

pma-voice: 5.1.0
ESX: 1.1
latest recommended artifacts: 4394

There’s a conflict with ESX 1.1 and pma-voice.
I just tried with esx_legacy and it works fine.
Same gamebuild, same artifacts version and same pma-voice version, same convars, same everything except the ESX version.
Is there any workaround/fix to make it work with old ESX version or I’m stuck going back to T0k0?

Anyone know how to show player name on Radio list?