[Release] Visual Weather Voter

I made this for my server’s christmas update as people to tend to get bored of the snow after the while so they can use this to change the weather.

Source: https://github.com/rubbertoe98/VisualWeatherVoter-FiveM


How to use:
/voteweather to start a vote
then /(theweathertypeyouwant) e.g /snow, /rain, /clear

There is a cooldown between each vote which you can chance in sv_vote.lua and you can also set the default weather here. Note: any other resource setting your weather may interefer with this script and should be disabled.

Any improvements, feel free to make a pull request. Merry Christmas everyone! :christmas_tree:


Very cool, good job.

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Cool good job m8

Updated - Fixed a syncing issue where respawning would make you go back to the default weather

How can I change the “Visual Weather Voter” position?
00 01

How can I change the “Visual Weather Voter” position?

increase first values in the cl_vote.lua file:


I think increasing by 0.005 should be ok.

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have an issue where it just flickers the weather