If you have feedback or you’ve found a bug, just yell at me below and I’ll try to get back to you a.s.a.p.
Planned future updates
Change the messages to appear as notifications rather than in the chat, because the chat only accepts a certain number of messages before they are no longer visible. no longer needed because chat scrolling is now fixed. (use pageup/pagedown keys)
Known bugs
If you have a custom chat resource, the commands may not work correctly. In that case use the server console instead, or preferably switch back to the regular FiveM chat!
Installation instructions
Download the latest version below.
Put the vhelp folder in your resources.
Add start vhelp to your server.cfg file.
Go to the hp_server.lua file in your /resrouces/vhelp folder and change the settings at the top of the file to your liking. Make sure to change the filepaths to fit your own server’s configuration! This is very important, otherwise your messages will not show up. Also make sure to use double backslashes (\\) for all folders in the filepath (take a look at the default configuraton example).
Go to the help.lua and rules.lua file and change the contents to your needs.
Changelog: ~ Changed the way the prefix was rendered (the ’ : ’ after the prefix is now gone). + Added a line above the top most message to make the help text stand out more in a crowded chat.
Glad you like it. And yes it’s only for Fx Servers, sorry. I’m currently not planning on converting this to the Legacy server version because Legacy servers are depreciated. If anyone else wants to port this to the Legacy server go ahead.
Chat resource only shows so many lines. If you have a long list of commands you cannot view them all without editing the chat resource… May I suggest making the list pop up in a notification rather than a chat message?
That’s a good point, I edited the chat resource myself but I’ll see if I can do something with notifications. Or I’ll have multi-page help display. (//help x = page x, etc.) Will try to implement that in the next version that also includes a //rules command.
Edit: This is not included yet in the newest version that I’ve just released (v1.2). I will implement it in the future though.
For those with a long list of commands who would like to make their chat window bigger to view them all, edit the following files in your chat resource:
I made my chat window 200px bigger, so here is what I changed my values to.
EDIT: Chat resource has been updated to fix scrolling bug. You can now use Page up and Page down when the chat window is active. Simply update App.js inside the chat resource.
Really nice script! Is there a way you can scroll up on chat like you could before? I miss being able to hit page up. If I put all our rules they couldnt see all of them xD.
Oh maybe it was fixed, last time I tried I couldn’t. Thanks for the information I will try! One last thing, is there an email or steam or something I could contact you on, I need to discuss something very serious with you if you have time :).