[Release] TruckerJob v0.3 [UPDATE 29th January]

CitizenMP server is discontinued. Use FX server.

then wheres the autorun command kept as the mod need to have a section written in their

can anyone tell me where the file is i need to add that thing to as citmap doesnt exist and fxserver doesnt have a citmap fle is there a new file i have to add code to so the new citmap file and where would it be loacted

I cant get it to work for some reason

that’s great if you’re using “vrp”, what about the ppl that aren’t. The job works for me, I get paid at the end, but it doesn’t register in the bank.

how to make this script work ? no money insert in player’s wallet

AddEventHandler(‘truckerJob:success’, function(price)
print("Player ID " …source)
– Get the players money amount
TriggerEvent(‘es:getPlayerFromId’, source, function(user)
total = price;
– update player money amount

Not the problem, it’s their just doesn’t register in banking.

Hello @schneehaze and good job, this script is very good!
I just wanna ask 3 little things that I can’t do by myself:

1- How can I set the vehicles (MISSION.truck and MISSION.trailer) spawn rotation? I mean I wanna change the direction they’re looking at when spawned.

SOLVED editing this in truckerjob.lua:

--line 25
--heading + = sx
--heading - = dx
local TruckingCompany = {}
TruckingCompany[0] = {["x"] = 66.8037,["y"] = 120.9773, ["z"] = 79.1001}
local TruckingTruck = {}
TruckingTruck[0] = {["x"] = 66.8037, ["y"] = 120.9773, ["z"] = 79.1001, ["heading"] = 520.0}
local TruckingTrailer = {}
TruckingTrailer[0] = {["x"] = 79.2091, ["y"] = 97.2839, ["z"] = 78.8477, ["heading"] = 430.0}

--line 279
MISSION.truck = CreateVehicle(MISSION.hashTruck, TruckingTruck[0]["x"], TruckingTruck[0]["y"], TruckingTruck[0]["z"], TruckingTruck[0]["heading"], 0.0, true, false)

2- I get this notification when I get payment, where does it come from? I can’t find it to disable/translate.


SOLVED: File to translate is the server.lua.

3- I added this after line 210 of truckerjob.lua, it just notify (in italian) the player that mission is over if truck or trailer are destroyed. It works but I get one of those missiontext when I leave the truck at mission end too. How can I fix this?

if ( IsEntityDead(MISSION.truck) ) then
			TriggerEvent("mt:missiontext", "Missione fallita: camion distrutto.", 15000)
		if ( IsEntityDead(MISSION.trailer) ) then
			TriggerEvent("mt:missiontext", "Missione fallita: rimorchio distrutto.", 15000)

Thanks everyone who will answer!

is this work with esx ?

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Anyway to make the truck delete when job complete

Hello! I would like to know how I can modify the code so that it is possible to use a truck to pick up the parcels! Thankful! Email: vieira08davi38@gmail.com

Where can I change the button? I want to change the “num_+” to “E”. Because the players don’t know how can they get the truck.

I ask the same. :slight_smile:

Would be awesome if it went well with all the other ESX jobs too!

There is a problem I have in
It does not appear on the map

It has another version that you can not get money for

What is the best version?

thank you


–key controlling
if(IsControlPressed(1, Keys[“E”]) and GUI.showMenu == false) then

dont know if any got it fix not paying but i got it to work

change line 203 in truckerjob.lua with

add to server.lua
TriggerEvent(‘es:getPlayerFromId’,source, function(user)

Still , this error happened to me when i was running a VPN over my internet connection, so since then i’m using Cooltechzone.com and feeling good.

Perfeito! funciono corretamente !

where and how do you put the mission text?

just add to resources and add to server.cfg to start it