Has anyone made the date and month show as real time but left the time alone? Showing up as November I know there has to be edits but idk how or where to add what it needed

how can i turn the hud on by default?

for some reason the hud itself isnt showing up but i got a minimap and the hud while in vehicle

this hud is a pile of trash honestly. barely works. any type of configuration breaks it.

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Hello, how can i fix that players dont have to type: /toggleUI

i have an issue where my health bar doesnt move when im getting shot at ,so idk when im going to die . any help ?

im using the hud : trew_hud_ui when i withdraw some money on the bank, it wont update my current amount. only when i reconnect. is there someone here who knows a fix for it?

My minimap is lost hot to get back

How can I change key for the cruise control

I have that problem that my money in inventory don’t want to show on hud? Any fix

anyone know how to remove speedometer and speedlocker? tq

How i remove this car hud top of the mini map

You can remove that HUD From Legacy Fuel Script

Can you send me this script please?

how do i edit the currency logo so its £

Hi! Really Cool Hud, But For Some Reason Even If I Put True To Everything It Wont Show Anything On My Screen. I Have Installed All Needed Files.

@Flawws this still floating around?

No, I took it down.

Hi, I have a question? how can i incorporate drug consumption at trewhudui i don’t know how to do it with exports

damn wouldve loved the ■■■■■■■■ integration.