It isnt set up right in the es_extended

keep getting this spamming in my f8, have not touched this file (esx 1.1)

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i keep getting this error Couldn’t find resource trew_hud_ui.

This is a esx hud and it does not show hunger and thirst I got all of the settings to true and when I load in I have to do /toggleui to enable it anyone how to help

how do u change the bind of the seatbelt?

my hunger/thirst bar are empty and arent working anyone know why ??

found this : [RELEASE] TREW HUD UI - A lightweight HUD for ESX, VRP AND VRPEX - #1227 by West-Point-Roleplay

Having the exact same issue, the code error refers to this section of the app.js file:

setMoney: function(data) {
data.value = data.value.toLocaleString();
var oldValue = document.querySelector(’#’+data.id+’ span’).innerHTML;
if (oldValue != data.value) { document.querySelector(’#’+data.id).classList.add(‘pulse’); }

Hi I need to add bitcoin icon and a stress icon how to do that? Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

bro thank you so much this fixed it all yall need to try this one it works for me and no errors like before when you got errors for the connot read local string i have no more errors now thanks fr!!

weapons dont show up though

nevermind got it, i accidentally turned it off in config all good now thanks again

How do I put that life/money/job interfaze?

I am having an issue, my console finds the resource however it never starts it (YES I DID ENURE IT ON MY SERVER.CFG) any idea why this could happen ?

why is my health bar not showing up (fixed it)

hello, did you go into the trew_hud_ui folder and go to the esx or vrp once done that drag the folder to your resource file then go to your server.cfg then it should work on your server

were to put this ?

    while true do



        local STRESS_STATUS

        TriggerEvent('esx_status:getStatus', 'stress', function(status)

            STRESS_STATUS = status.getPercent()



            name = 'stress',

            value = STRESS_STATUS




I’ve have some problems with the hud after i updated to latest ESX it wont register my money anymore… does anybody know what to do? :slightly_smiling_face:

how to make the hud smaller ? any one please!

I have the same error brow