Hello. No money shows on cash or black_money icons.
How can I fix it please?

are you using it with show logo on true?


trew_hud_ui.rar (2.9 MB)

No error

You fix that for me?

ส่งจาก จดหมาย สำหรับ Windows 10

That’s not someone who fixed it, I just sent it

But it works, right?


How can i add car damage status? cardamage

hey i keep getting the same error message when i download the esx version

Error loading script server/server.lua in resource trew_hud_ui: Invalid Lua type in __data
stack traceback:
[C]: in upvalue ‘_in’
citizen:/scripting/lua/natives_server.lua:1057: in function ‘RegisterCommand’
@trew_hud_ui/server/server.lua:1: in main chunk
Failed to load script server/server.lua.

i have the car hud but not the player hud

I fixed the command, but sometimes you have to enter it twice for it to work. I do not know why. The HUD did not appear for me either and all the elements still do not appear. I’m working on it, maybe I can make it.

In server.lua delete this:

RegisterCommand('toggleui', function(source, args, user)
end, { help = _U('toggleui') })

and paste this:

ESX = nil

TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)

ESX.RegisterCommand('toggleui', 'player', function(xPlayer, args, showError)
end, true, {help = 'Toggle UI - money, job,  time, localization', validate = true, arguments = {
	{name = 'true/false', help = 'true or false'}

It works for me. Sorry for my English. Google translate: P

trew_hud_ui.rar (2.9 MB)


Hello i am trying to move the water, food, talking when the player enters the vehicle. To an other location i cant seem to figure how to do it i know it is possible can someone help me

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Hi, how can I hide the hud with a key, and not with the / togglehud command

Tried this but did nothing for me.

Does anyone know how I would go about making it so when someone spawns they only see status stuff but when they do /toggleui everything else appears?

I still see the original HUD. How can i disable that?

how you pur player id card?
hope your respodn thanks

sorta worked but instantly bleeding out? Anyone have this issue?

go to es_extended / config in the part of Config.EnableHUD put it in flase