Hi! How can I disable the car hud? (Speedometer and all that). Thanks!

Try a different esx_basicneeds version or reinstall both.

comment out these lines:

l 54-108 ui.html

l 87-137 main.css

l 128-309 client.lua

l 33-35 server.lua

That works! Thanks man! I also have another minor-trouble. I moved the hud near the map (bottom-left side) and when I change to a job with a long name the money hud (down the job-side hud) moves to the side of the job like this: trewhud

How can I separte the job line of the money line to avoid that strange spaces? Thanks man!

Job and money are already in a different div so they are separated, you need to play around with css to get it where you want but without the code I can’t help you much. If you want dm a copy of your main.css and i will try to help you bro.

Guys why the society money( the brown briefcase doesnt show up any money)

  1. addon account data i added money in the jobs
  2. i have all the req’s for esx society :confused:
    please i need to fix this

I’m having an issue where I’m unable to use the /setmoney command after having installed this HUD. I’m not sure if this problem has been resolved or not.

Hello, I would like to transform trew hud ui this way, who can help me please


why its not working for me? shows nothing and also removed my default hud… !!!


this is only display when i type /toggleui command

when i used old version of es_extended, it is working but the health, armor, thirsty, and hunger are missing.

unfortunately I have this error the command ./toggleui will solve it only but until the character is restarted

Hello, I would like to transform trew hud ui this way, who can help me please


Go to “ui.html” and replace it :

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat:300,400,700,900&display=swap" id="font">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/5.11.2/css/all.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/animate.css/3.7.2/animate.min.css">

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css">

<title>TREW UI</title>
	<div class="info server" style="display:none;">
		<div id="server"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/AcgDL9f.png"></div>

	<div class="info player">
		<div id="job" style="display:block;"><span>Jobname</span></div>

		<div id="status">
				<li class="icon" id="thirst" style="display:block;"><i class="fas fa-tint"></i><span></span></li>
				<li class="icon" id="hunger" style="display:block;"><i class="fas fa-utensils"></i><span></span></li>
				<li class="icon" id="stamina" style="display:block;"><i class="fas fa-running"></i><span></span></li>
				<li class="icon" id="armor" style="display:block;"><i class="fas fa-shield-alt"></i><span></span></li>
				<li class="icon" id="health" style="display:block;"><i class="fas fa-heart"></i><span></span></li>

		<div id="money">
			<div class="icon text" id="society" style="display:block;"><i class="fas fa-briefcase"></i><span>0</span></div>
			<div class="icon text" id="bank" style="display:block;"><i class="fas fa-piggy-bank"></i><span>0</span></div>
			<div class="icon text" id="blackMoney" style="display:block;"><i class="fas fa-user-ninja"></i><span>0</span></div>
			<div class="icon text" id="wallet" style="display:block;"><i class="fas fa-dollar-sign"></i><span>0</span></div>


	<div class="info vehicle inactive animated faster">

		<div id="speedometer">

			<div id="progress-speed">
				<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100">
					<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="45" class="mask" />
					<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="45" class="speed zero" />

			<div id="vehicle-speed">

			<div id="vehicle-gear" class="icon text">
				<i><img src="img/vehicle-gear.png"></i><span>N</span>

			<div id="vehicle-others" class="icon" style="display:none;">
				<i class="fas fa-biking"></i>

			<div id="vehicle-status-left">
					<li class="icon off" id="seatbelt"><i><img src="img/vehicle-seatbelt.png"></i><span style="height: 100%"></span></li>
					<li class="icon" id="fuel"><i class="fas fa-gas-pump"></i><span></span></li>

			<div id="vehicle-status-right">
					<li class="icon normal" id="lights"><i><img src="img/vehicle-lights.png"></i><span></span></li>
					<li class="icon" id="signals" class="off"><i class="fas fa-arrows-alt-h"></i><span style="height: 100%"></span></li>



	<div class="info weapon animated faster unarmed" id="weapon" style="display:none;">
		<div id="weapon_image">
			<img src="img/weapons/pistol.png" alt="">

		<div id="weapon_bullets">
			<div id="weapon_clip" class="clip"><span>999</span></div>
			<div id="weapon_ammo" class="ammo"><span>999</span></div>
		<div class="icon" id="bullets">
			<i><img src="img/weapon-bullets.png" alt=""></i>
			<i class="clone"><img src="img/weapon-bullets.png" alt=""></i>

	<div class="info radio">
		<div id="voice" style="display:none;"><i class="fas fa-microphone-alt"></i></div>

	<div class="info time-and-place">
		<div class="data">
			<div id="date" style="display:none;"><span>Hoje é <strong>31 de Fevereiro de 2020</strong></span></div>
			<div id="location" style="display:none;"><span>Você está em <strong>Aeroporto de Los Santos</strong></span></div>

	<audio id="sounds"><source type="audio/ogg"></audio>


<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/cferdinandi/saferInnerHTML@1/dist/saferInnerHTML.polyfills.min.js"></script>	
<script src="app.js"></script>
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do you still need help on changing the shape?

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When installing into my server this is all i see

and i have everything set to true in config.lua
anyone help?

I want when I’m boss in one company this little zero point disappears!
How i can do it?


You ever figure that one out, mate?

when i load it all up put it in theres no HUD i get the speedo when in the car but no hud help ?