I got you m8!
read my own code from client to server and basically you need to delete every single thing regarding the car interaction.
Try to use mine, and feel free to make a pull request if I missed anything.

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I would like to know this too. I’ve been trying to figure it out for some time ;(

Make sure you deleted the other hud scripts you probably have legacyfuel or something on the server

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Thank you for pointing my attention there. It was indeed legacyfuel. Forgot to switch off UI.
Just started getting into developing fivem, so very much have my training wheels on

No problemo :slight_smile: Good luck

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Hey guys, I have a question. Is it possible to deactivate the speedometer (and everything was included in the speedometer?) (or to include it in the configuration itself (showSpeedometer = false)) The entire script was destroyed when I tried to remove it.

sry for the englisch :confused:

I have an error, when I start the server, the hud does not start, that is, I have to put / toggleui 2 or 3 times, any solution?


In the console (f8) I’m receiving tons of this:
“Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘classList’ of null (@trew_hud_ui/html/app.js:406)”

On that line, I see this:

if (vehicleInfo.classList.contains(‘active’)) {

Same issue for me, any ideas?

I do have it fixed, but can’t remember exactly how, pm me, maybe I can help you out

Hello Im trying to move hud around but it only moves to top right or top left I want to move it to bottom left or right can someone please help ;(

Hey, so on our server we have the problem that a few (really just 2 of us) have continuous problems with the HUD and now that we are using TokoVoip to communicate, the same two people have problems with that as well. The HUD problems are that the HUD ist just not showing at all apart from a small grey circle in the bottom right which if you toggle the hud two times, so disappear and reappear again, it stays the same but the TrewHUD Logo appears in the top right.

Since TokoVoip makes problems as well but both work sometimes, I guess it’s not an issue with one of the two resources but with the FiveM Version? I saw somebody already write about that but couldn’t find his comment so wanted to ask if anyone could “confirm” that it’s a FiveM issue :sweat_smile:

Greetings :+1:

Hi there, does anyone know how to move the hud? I’m trying all the possible variations from main.css, but it’s only messing it up and not showing.

I tryed:


with or without (left) instead of right

Does anyone know what lines you should edit in main.css to move the hud near the minimap? The icons, with the job title.
Please, help.


I have looked very hard (possibly not enough) through instructions and guides on the forums but I still have a couple of questions revolving the configuration of the HUD. I will list my questions below and would much appreciate a respose.

Question 1 - Is there a way to remove the controller bindings? e.g. siren controls on Xbox Controller collide with seatbelt and turn signal options relating to the HUD.

Question 2 - Is there a way to re-locate the vehicle HUD to another position on the screen? e.g. the bottom right corner.

As mentioned above, I have looked at the guides and tutorials but I may not have looked hard enough, a response would be greatly appeciated.

Thanks in advance, Thomas.

Hello, could you help me put functional stress on the hud? Thank you

Could someone help me i have installed it correctly and everything but for some reason it wont show my job nor will it show my voice icon at the bottom left or even my weapon but everything else works any fix??

i have error in cmd server

When i started everything nothing show’s me up expect that…